One Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
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Family of Mexican National gunned down by police in Pasco, Washington files massive lawsuit.
The man killed by police in Pasco Washington a couple of days ago, Antonio Zambrano-Montes, was a Mexican national and his family is outraged.
They have filed a huge lawsuit against the city and reamed the city for not policing its police properly.
(CNN)The family of a Mexican national fatally shot by police in Pasco, Washington, has filed a $25 million claim against the city alleging that three officers killed the unarmed man "execution style."This was captured on video; many have seen the police chase a man down the street and then open fire on him and he falls to the ground. Allegedly for throwing rocks.
At the time that he was shot and killed, execution style, by the three officers named herein, in broad daylight, and with no knife or firearm in his hands, and for the conduct of throwing rocks at an earlier time, Mr. Zambrano-Montes posed no danger to the three officers, such that they were justified in the use of deadly force..." the claim said.The claim notes that the city of Pasco has had a lot of violent incidents with the police and3 fatal police shootings in the past few months
The claim accuses the police of assault, battery, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, wrongful death and civil rights violations.
The claim said the incident was the third fatal shooting by a Pasco officer "in a very short period of time," and accused the city of "retaining officers who had a proven history of violation of civil rights against the Latino/Hispanic community" and "allowing and fostering overt racial (animus) towards the Hispanic/Latino community within the Pasco Police Department."There were actually 4 reported fatal shootings by the police in a 7 month period.
Police violence has righteously come under serious scrutiny, finally, but at a time in which is really is out of control. It is becoming an international thing, with this particular incident and the incident recently in Alabama with a cop body-slamming an elderly man from India, paralyzing him. This man's family, just like that on Mr. Zambrano-Montes noted they could not have understood the commands the cops were giving them. ASt least the Indian man survived.
The problem is that cops demand instantaneous and total obedience and use the absence of it as an excuse for brutality. It's out of control.
In the case of Mr. Zambrano-Montes he was throwing rocks, but then he stopped and ran away. He had no weapon and the threat he HAD posed was gone. The claim to 'self-defense' had expired.
I hope the city chokes on this lawsuit and that more people start suing.
Cops have to stop being a menace and return to their place in this society: they are public servants, not death squads.
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