Thanks for the forward.
I watched a sizable chunk of "Christopher Bollyn Dares To Return To The U.S." and, as often happens with conspiratorial 9/11 themes, I was attracted by the questions raised. http://www. 27040.html
But I always come away from 9/11 conclaves with the sense that a tremendous amount of otherwise useful political energy had been wasted on a dead end - an end that would be essentially fruitless even if the hypotheses were proven.
30 years ago, I was driving through Henrietta, New York, on the south side of Rochester.
I was trying to explain Jung's concept of "synchronicity" to a friend, telling her "it refers to non-causally inter-related events that seem strikingly meaningful in ways that defy rational analysis."
My companion failed to grasp what I was attempting to convey so I started formulating a different explanation when a red light suddenly slowed our lane of traffic.
As we came to a stop, I saw that the license plate on the car in front of us began with the letters JUNG which made me yelp: "Look! That's it! That's what synchronicity is."
Since then, I have speculated that there are positive synchronicities and negative synchronicities and that the latter create apparent meaning in certain highly unlikely circumstances where there is none.
I propose that the beliefs of 9/11 Truthers are analogous to the findings of many people, including my favorite writer, G.K. Chesterton, who experimented with the Ouija Board in his youth, eventually realizing that it was a strikingly seductive device that hinted at truth just often enough to lead people astray without yielding any actual benefit.
"My brother and I used to play with planchette, or what the Americans call the ouija board; but we were among the few, I imagine, who played in a mere spirit of play. Nevertheless I would not altogether rule out the suggestion of some that we were playing with fire; or even with hell-fire. In the words that were written for us there was nothing ostensibly degrading, but any amount that was deceiving. I saw quite enough of the thing to be able to testify, with complete certainty, that something happens which is not in the ordinary sense natural, or produced by the normal and conscious human will. Whether it is produced by some subconscious but still human force, or by some powers, good, bad or indifferent, which are external to humanity, I would not myself attempt to decide. The only thing I will say with complete confidence, about that mystic and invisible power, is that it tells lies. The lies may be larks or they may be lures to the imperilled soul or they may be a thousand other things; but whatever they are, they are not truths about the other world; or for that matter about this world." -- from The Autobiography of G. K. Chesterton.
Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of G.K. Chesterton Posts
Here are the first seven google hits to my key word search: "Chomsky, 9/11, YouTube".
I think the last of these hits is a good place to start.
Noam Chomsky 9/11 Truth rebuttal - YouTube
Aug 9, 2012 - Uploaded by Stew Bradley
Far too often I've had people tell me that they refuse to discuss9/11 Truth because Noam Chomsky rejects ...Here's The Video To Share With Anybody Who Still Buys ...
I should mention that I admire Chomsky but in no way adulate his views or think he's right on every topic.
Paz contigo
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015, JK wrote:
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Forbidden Knowledge TV <> wrote:
Dear J,These are Parts 1-3 of a presentationand Q&A with Christopher Bollyn on hisnew book, "Solving 9/11: The Deceptionthat Changed the World," recorded onSeptember 14, 2014 at a San Diegansfor 9/11 Truth monthly meeting.
Christopher Bollyn is a journalist who wasinvestigating the events of 9/11 when,along with physicist, Steven E. Jones, theydiscovered solid evidence of Thermite inthe dust of the Twin Towers in August of2006.
This quickly got them both into troubleand Bollyn was quickly forced to flee the US,with his family, after being brutally attackedand TASERed on his own property by threeunidentified, heavily-armed men, who hadbeen milling around his house for days insuburban Chicago.
The attackers turned out to be undercoverpolice officers and Bollyn was maliciouslyprosecuted and convicted with a CriminalMisdemeanor charge for attacking *them*- the exact opposite of what had actuallyhappened.
This conviction would have incurred a jailsentence but the judge, who himself wasevidently pressured into handing down thisbogus ruling allowed Bollyn three weeksbefore sentencing. This gave him time togather his family and to flee the country.
Bollyn had not returned to the US since2007, before making the presentationfilmed here, in September 2014. (Bollynhas a Bench Warrant for Arrest in the Stateof Illinois but he is free to move about theUS in the rest of the 49 States).
Despite his seminal role in discoveringThermite in the 9/11 dust, the focus of hisinvestigations has not been on the "hows"of the buildings' collapses or the "hows" ofthe planes' hijackings, as in Rebekah Roth'srecently-featured hit book, 'Methodical Illusion.'
Bollyn's 2-part book, 'Solving 9/11: theDeception that Changed the World' focuseson the "whos" of 9/11.
That the State of Israel figures heavily in whathe uncovered have led to the predictablecharges of "anti-Semitism", which areridiculous on their face, especially when oneknows that Bollyn chose to live and work ona kibbutz in Israel after graduating fromHigh School and that he avowedly loves theIsraeli people.
His condemnations are aimed toward acriminal faction within the US Governmentand toward the extremist, Right-Wing LikudParty of Israel - NOT at the Israeli people orat "Jews," in any way, shape or form (theconflation of these often disparate groupsbeing an unfortunate one, made by manyJews and Gentiles, alike).
Bollyn's 2-part book is available at Amazonand it can also be read, free of charge, online"A modern republic like the United Statescannot continue for very long as a free nationwith a government and media that lie to thepeople about the murder of thousands of itscitizens and illegal wars supposedly wagedon their behalf. This is clearly a state in theprocess of a revolutionary change. TheAmerican people will not tolerate a policestate using such outrageous lies to rob themof their money and freedom."
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