Dick Cheney
The textbook definition of twisted.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Former Vice-President Dick Cheney on Tuesday called upon the nations of the world to “once and for all ban the despicable and heinous practice of publishing torture reports.”
“Like many Americans, I was shocked and disgusted by the Senate Intelligence Committee’s publication of a torture report today,” Cheney said in a prepared statement. “The transparency and honesty found in this report represent a gross violation of our nation’s values.”
“The publication of torture reports is a crime against all of us,” he added. “Not just those of us who have tortured in the past, but every one of us who might want to torture in the future.”
Saying that the Senate’s “horrifying publication” had inspired him to act, he vowed, “As long as I have air to breathe, I will do everything in my power to wipe out the scourge of torture reports from the face of the Earth.”
Cheney concluded his statement by calling for an international conference on the issue of torture reports. “I ask all the great nations of the world to stand up, expose the horrible practice of publishing torture reports, and say, ‘This is not who we are,’ ” Cheney said.

Do it again! Do it again! Harder! Harder!
Making the world a better, more secure place.

Tom Toles Cartoon: The CIA Torture Report
CIA Torture Report: Most Shocking Passages
CIA Torture Report: The Three British Plots That The CIA Falsely Cited To Justify Torture
"Important Takeaways From The CIA's Interrogation Report"

This is who we are... a nation of neo-necrophiliacs.

Do it again! Do it again! Harder! Harder!
Making the world a better, more secure place.

"The Iraqi Liar Who Started The War. Let's Torture Willing Informants To Get The Truth?
Full Text Of John McCain's Torture Address From Senate Floor
"The CIA's First Detainee Spent 266 Days In A Box The Size Of A Coffin"
Water Boarding: A Clear Explanation
Full Text Of John McCain's Torture Address From Senate Floor
"The CIA's First Detainee Spent 266 Days In A Box The Size Of A Coffin"
Water Boarding: A Clear Explanation
Tom Toles Cartoon: The CIA Torture Report
CIA Torture Report: Most Shocking Passages
CIA Torture Report: The Three British Plots That The CIA Falsely Cited To Justify Torture
"Important Takeaways From The CIA's Interrogation Report"
"Torture Report Articles (Great Wonkblog Compendium)
CIA Torture Report: 'Torture Is A Crime And Those Responsible Must Be Tried'
CIA Torture Report: 'Torture Is A Crime And Those Responsible Must Be Tried'
Cheney's Lucid 1994 Rationale For NOT Invading Iraq.
Conservatives "Must" See This
"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"
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