
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You Don't Need To Be Einstein

Alan: It is widely observed that American conservatives are prone to science denial.

But it is seldom noted that conservatives are particularly averse to psychology.

They are loathe to discover that "psychological principles" will compromise the "God-given" freedom they consider a personal "gift" beyond the reach of externally-imposed compromise.

Take the psychological principle of "operant conditioning" described above.

Although there are many exceptions to any given rule, almost always operant conditioning compromises what is traditionally thought of as "free will."

Paying $4,000,000.00 for a 30 second Super Bowl ad demonstrates one of two things: either operant conditioning works or industrial strength capitalists are foolish investors whose business acumen is not to be trusted.

Fact: With striking regularity operant conditioning works. And it works by disabling the function of "free will."

Ideologically, American conservatives reject operant conditioning because overt espousal of this technique would tarnish conservatism's essential belief that humans are endowed with "free will" and are therefore morally responsible  -- always and everywhere -- for making "right choices" in light of individual (and indivisible) conscience.

Given American politicians' continual use of operant conditioning (whatever politicos profess "in theory") they are committed to mendacious advertising -- manipulative techniques so sleazy they could teach Beelzebub new dimensions of deception.

Since "the well is poisoned" at the start, the frequent result of American elections is a national government comprised of cynical pragmatists often as eager to deceive themselves as they are always eager to deceive others.

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