Elizabeth Warren Quotes
Elizabeth Warren is the personification of that grit.
Using Ralph Nader's "campaign strategy" (outlined below) Obama and Warren would wisely join forces for twice-monthly "road shows" starting asap and running through November, '16.
A sustained campaign that spotlights the crucial linkage between "infrastructure restoration" and "job creation" is just what the doctor ordered.
Such a campaign would "get in the face" of the GOP, demanding that "The Party of Angry White Guys" propose its own program for job growth while pointing out that "the invisible hand of the marketplace" -- coupled with "lower taxes" -- is a failed strategy.

Obama/Warren should also steal Republican thunder by pointing out that the Keystone pipeline will only create 5000 permanent, a fact that reduces "The Poster Child" to an exercise in ideological distractionism.
Nader's strategy:
"President Obama could have traveled the country saying:
“Give me a Democratic Congress, and I’ll sign legislation that will create millions of jobs repairing and upgrading the public works of our neglected land. There will be non-exportable, good paying jobs restoring our water sewage systems, our highways and bridges, our public transit systems and our crumbling schools, ports and public buildings. We’ll pay for these critical public investments by shrinking crony capitalism (taxpayer subsidies, handouts, giveaways and bailouts) and by making hugely profitable companies like General Electric, Verizon and Apple pay their fair share of taxes rather than shifting the tax burden onto the backs of middle-class taxpayers. And we’ll impose a tiny sales tax, far less than you pay on your necessities of life, on Wall Street stock transactions to raise about $300 billion a year. Every American can benefit from these community and policy improvements, strictly monitored as they develop with honesty and efficiency. Every local chamber of commerce, every union, every worker, supplier, and every civic organization will support our programs which I am going to call ‘Come Home America.’
If you don’t think these grand initiatives would have brought voters out and won elections for the Democrats, I have another idea. Even with the Republicans controlling Congress, a group of progressive Democrats could unite to create a major bottom-up and top-down initiative demanding for public works programs that would itemize projects in every community to reverse the costly deterioration of our country’s public infrastructure. Such action would even gain the support of money from those on the other side of the aisle and create a Left-Right coalition in the new Congress, even if it required those on the Right to defy their Wall Street-indentured leaders, Senator Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner."
"Ralph Nader Reviews The Republican Romp And Tells How The Tide Could Have Turned"

Pope Francis: “A savage capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to get, of exploitation without thinking of people… and we see the results in the crisis we are experiencing.”6
Previous Catholic teaching on capitalism: "[The Church] has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of “capitalism,” individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating the economy … solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for “there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.” Caritas in Veritate by Pope Benedict XVI

Democrats need a way to reach the white working class. In the last election, Republicans showed that by muting their conservatism on social issues, they can sway white voters who are nervous about taxes and government debt. Republicans won over working-class whites, even though this group feels that the economy favors the rich, polls show. The New York Times.
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