"The Smirk-Smiley Face Of America's Most Despicable Felon"
Dear John,
White guys...
White guys are responsible for 45,000 Americans who died annually for lack of health insurance. (Recall the theological distinction between "sins of commission" and "sins of omission?" It certainly wasn't black people who failed to support universal healthcare.) http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html
White guys are responsible for The Great Recession and all the havoc it wreaked - and continues wreak - worldwide.
Have you seen "Inside Job?" It's the story of Wall Street white guys crashing the global economy, wiping out 40% of every American's net worth.
"Inside Job"
(Freely streamable)
"Between 2007 And 2010, American Families Lost 40% Of Their Net Worth"
A 40% decline in net worth is a lot of health insurance that didn't get bought.
And a lot of life-saving operations that were not performed.
And a lot of unfilled prescriptions that would have saved lives or prevented permanent disability.
White guys are responsible for the egregious wrong-doing of The Iraq War and the trigger-happy destabilization that has happened since.
If The Iraq War had not undone The Middle East -- creating dysfunctional states in Syria and Iraq -- there would have been no ISIS, at least nothing like we've got.
The mass murderers at the forefront of the Iraq debacle were Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld -- among the most nefarious white guys who ever walked Earth. (I realize these villians are not in the same league with fellow Caucasians Hitler and Stalin. At least not yet...)
How many of us refused to pay that portion of our taxes that supported The Vietnam War and Bush-Cheney's Whimsy War in Iraq?
We could have.
But we didn't.
The resulting blood -- 3,000,000 dead in Vietnam and a million dead in Iraq (and counting) -- is on our hands.
Make no mistake.
Bush and Cheney launched The Whimsy War on sheer trumpery and brazen fabrication.
Even so, they will "walk."
They will, in fact, get away with murder.
And they will not be held accountable for millions of maimed Iraqis obscured from view by Uncle Sam's necrophiliac obsession with "body counts."
Plus tens of thousands of maimed GIs - also hidden from view.
All for nothing.
Less than nothing.
Burnt offerings on the altar of Born Again Bush's ego.
(The persistent hubris of the Abrahamic religions.)
"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Israeli War Historian, Martin van Creveld, the only non-American on the U.S. Military Officer Corps' required reading list.
"Terrorism And The Other Religions"
University Of Michigan Historian Juan Cole
White gringos are the most dangerous people on Earth.
By a country mile!
Tell a friend.
Pax tecum
Lest we forget...
An overwhelming percentage of mass murderers are white males.
And no review of Caucasian malfeasance is complete without reference to cradle Catholic Timothy McVeigh and cradle Catholic Adolf Hitler:
"Inside Job"
(Freely streamable)
"Between 2007 And 2010, American Families Lost 40% Of Their Net Worth"
And a lot of life-saving operations that were not performed.
And a lot of unfilled prescriptions that would have saved lives or prevented permanent disability.
White guys are responsible for the egregious wrong-doing of The Iraq War and the trigger-happy destabilization that has happened since.
If The Iraq War had not undone The Middle East -- creating dysfunctional states in Syria and Iraq -- there would have been no ISIS, at least nothing like we've got.
The mass murderers at the forefront of the Iraq debacle were Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld -- among the most nefarious white guys who ever walked Earth. (I realize these villians are not in the same league with fellow Caucasians Hitler and Stalin. At least not yet...)
How many of us refused to pay that portion of our taxes that supported The Vietnam War and Bush-Cheney's Whimsy War in Iraq?
We could have.
But we didn't.
The resulting blood -- 3,000,000 dead in Vietnam and a million dead in Iraq (and counting) -- is on our hands.
Make no mistake.
Bush and Cheney launched The Whimsy War on sheer trumpery and brazen fabrication.
Even so, they will "walk."
They will, in fact, get away with murder.
And they will not be held accountable for millions of maimed Iraqis obscured from view by Uncle Sam's necrophiliac obsession with "body counts."
Plus tens of thousands of maimed GIs - also hidden from view.

All for nothing.
Less than nothing.
Burnt offerings on the altar of Born Again Bush's ego.
(The persistent hubris of the Abrahamic religions.)
"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Less than nothing.
Burnt offerings on the altar of Born Again Bush's ego.
(The persistent hubris of the Abrahamic religions.)
"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Israeli War Historian, Martin van Creveld, the only non-American on the U.S. Military Officer Corps' required reading list.

"Terrorism And The Other Religions"
University Of Michigan Historian Juan Cole
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/04/terrorism-and-other-religions-juan-cole.htmlUniversity Of Michigan Historian Juan Cole
By a country mile!
Tell a friend.
Pax tecum
Lest we forget...
An overwhelming percentage of mass murderers are white males.
And no review of Caucasian malfeasance is complete without reference to cradle Catholic Timothy McVeigh and cradle Catholic Adolf Hitler:

"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
Suspect in Pennsylvania Cop Shooting Is a Sharpshooting Survivalist
The suspect in the shooting of two Pennsylvania state troopers is a sharpshooting survivalist who specifically targeted cops and was out for mass murder, authorities said.
He's a skilled shooter who "doesn't miss," his father, a retired U.S. Army Major, told police. The father also told police that he was missing two weapons, a .308 rifle with a scope and an AK-47, according to court documents released today.
Suspect Eric Matthew Frein, 31, from Canadensis, Pa., practices survivalism -- the ability to survive without the help of government or society, and often storing food and guns, Pennsylvania police said today. Police who searched his home found a copy of a book entitled Sniper Training and Employment, according to the court documents.
"He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also to commit mass acts of murder," State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said at a news conference when he revealed Frein's name. "What his reasons are, we don't know. But he has very strong feelings about law enforcement and seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society."
He had camouflage face paint, a black hooded sweatshirt, empty rifle cases and military gear in a vehicle, police said.
Frein's father, E. Michael Frein, told police he served in the military for 28 years and had trained his son how to shoot. The father told police that his son was a member of the rifle team in high school and that the son became a better shot than the father.

Courtesy Pennsylvania State Police
PHOTO: One trooper was killed and another was injured in a shooting at the State Police Barracks in Blooming Grove Township, Pa., Sept. 12, 2014.
Now a massive manhunt is on in the rural forest area of eastern Pennsylvania to find Frein, who was charged today with first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer and other offenses. Police describe him as approximately 165 pounds, about 6-feet-1, and with blue eyes.
Noonan said he is still armed with the .308-caliber rifle he allegedly shot the troopers with on the barracks late Friday and is "extremely dangerous."
"We have no idea where he is," Noonan said.
Cpl. Bryon Dickinson, 38, was killed and Trooper Alex Douglass, 31, was wounded when a gunman opened fire during a shift change before slipping away, police said.
Lt. Col. George Biven addressed the shooter directly at a separate news conference on Monday.
"You're a coward," Bivens said. "You committed this spineless act and you did it from a place of hiding and then ran."
A resident who was walking his dog two miles from the barracks spotted a vehicle submerged in a pond and alerted authorities, who matched shell casings found in the car to ones also found at the shooting scene, Noonan said.
The vehicle is a Jeep registered to Frein's father but owned by his parents, they told police.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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