Lest we forget...
9/11 happened on Bush's "watch."
You remember Bush... the Republican who brought us The Great Recession,
in the tradition of Republican, Herbert Hoover, who brought us The Great Depression.
9/11 happened on Bush's "watch."
You remember Bush... the Republican who brought us The Great Recession,
in the tradition of Republican, Herbert Hoover, who brought us The Great Depression.
"George W. Bush: Completely Deaf To Numerous Warnings Of Pending Al Qaeda Attack"
After The Towers tumbled, Bush said:
"I Don't Know Where Bin Laden Is... I Really Don't Spend Much Time On Him."
"Republican Rule and Economic Catastrophe: A Lock-Step Relationship"

"Republican Rule and Economic Catastrophe: A Lock-Step Relationship"

Chaos In Middle East Unleashed By Bush-Cheney. The "Caliphate" Is Their Doing

Alan: Bush-Cheney's "War of Choice" in Iraq led to the destabilization of the entire region and the total collapse of political process in the territory now ruled by ISIS.
Never has a more dimwitted decision been issued by The Oval Office.
The fact that The Iraq War was pimped by manipulated "intelligence" coupled with brazen lies -- and refusal to let U.N. Weapons Inspector Hans Blix complete his work -- renders Bush-Cheney's culpability even more reprehensible.
"For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins."
Israeli war historian, Martin van Creveld, the only non-American whose writing is obligatory reading for the U.S. Military Officer Corps.
"Israeli war historian, Martin van Creveld's Withering Criticism Of G.W. Bush - And More"
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