"GOP's Anti-Medicaid Expansion Body Count, By State"
"Obamacare And The Hard, Central Truth Of American Conservatism"
Tea Party town hall erupts as Texas state Rep urges ‘compassion’ for migrant kids
Tennessee woman pulls gun in Walmart parking lot when asked to drive slower
California 80-year-old satisfied after gunning down fleeing pregnant home intruder
Rifle-toting birthers at JFK murder site rebuke ‘foreigners’ and ‘sexually-charged’ women
Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Gay NFL player Michael Sam hurts team like dogfighter Michael Vick
WI Republican accused of using campaign funds to pay his lawyer in sex assault case
Price-gouging businesses cry ‘socialism’ after KY drivers flock to city-run gas station
Preachers blister police at funeral of NY man who died after cops put him in chokehold
Paul Ryan has another idea to fight poverty: Let states apply for federal grants to pay poor for work
Real estate heir acquitted in dismemberment murder now accused of urinating on candy
Road-raging Florida man run over by his own truck after drunken crash
Lawyers demand investigation of ‘horrifically botched’ two hour execution in Arizona
Iowa deputy accidentally fires gun into car after driver suffers medical emergency
Jon Stewart mocks cable news ACA-ruling freakout: ‘Obamacare is made of people!’
- Elizabeth Warren isn't running for president, and that's a good thing
- U.S. Border Patrol pull guns and detain Boy Scout troop for photography
- Terri Lynn Land to file amended financial disclosure after 'forgetting' a multi-million dollar bank account
- Texas open carry activists meet on Grassy Knoll, denounce president
- Cartoon: Affordable infrastructure improvements
- Jon Stewart looks at contradictory Obamacare rulings
- Respected Marquette Law School poll has Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in potential electoral peril
- Wendy Davis launches largest Texas voter protection program ever
- Intercept: 'Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist'
- Glenn Beck claims he can't be sued for defamation because his victim became a 'public figure'
- Cartoon: The Gaza grip
- Montana judge officially reprimanded for disgusting comments about teen rape victim
- Stephen Colbert on Obamacare ruling from D.C. Circuit
- Shocking drought data from NASA
- The diary of an American hater and a missing 16-year old girl In Tennessee
- John McCain very sad that President Obama has no desire to 'have social interface' with him
- Education 'reform' loses the netroots
- State of emergency in Siberia's permafrost region due to wildfires
Black GOP staffer fired for Facebook complaint about primary opponent’s ‘white privilege’
Michigan mayor: Giving atheists equal treatment is like favoring the Nazis or the KKK
Second casino cancels Ted Nugent shows over his ‘racist remarks’
Maddow: GOP’s lawsuit against Obama will be a goldmine for the Democrats
Police seek CA hate crime suspect who ripped hijab from Iraqi woman’s head and choked her
Dallas judge risks his political future by seeking to house 2,000 immigrant children
Pat Robertson: Parents could kick out a pregnant ‘stained woman’ in the ‘old’ days
Colbert slams conservative outrage over ‘vulgarity’ of HBO vampire show ‘True Blood’
Michigan mayor: Giving atheists equal treatment is like favoring the Nazis or the KKK
Second casino cancels Ted Nugent shows over his ‘racist remarks’
Maddow: GOP’s lawsuit against Obama will be a goldmine for the Democrats
Police seek CA hate crime suspect who ripped hijab from Iraqi woman’s head and choked her
Dallas judge risks his political future by seeking to house 2,000 immigrant children
Pat Robertson: Parents could kick out a pregnant ‘stained woman’ in the ‘old’ days
Colbert slams conservative outrage over ‘vulgarity’ of HBO vampire show ‘True Blood’
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