
Friday, April 11, 2014

At Irish Wedding, Priest Belts Out "Hallelujah"

Alan: It is now debated whether St. Augustine actually said, "He who sings prays twice." 

But since the statement is true, it does not really matter. 

In fact, it may be fair to say we only pray when we sing... or otherwise make music. 

Let's re-formulate Augustine's dictum: "He who merely mumbles prayer -- or "rattles on like the pagans" -- runs risk of not being heard at all."

Pipe up folks! 

Belt that sucker out! 

Sing from the belly. 

Or lower. 

Father Kelly -- who treated his wedding party to such lovely "Hallelujah" -- is to be praised not just for communicating joy but for teaching us how prayer is done.

"What if one lacks voice?" you ask. 

"Fear not!" said the angel.

King David -- drunk on God's presence and dancing naked before the ark-- began his 100th psalm: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." 

Prayer, like Life itself, is best expressed in wildness and passion, not the choke-hold of impossible perfection.

It's a broken Hallelujah, and all the more beautiful for it.


Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" has been recorded by 2000 artists.

My favorite version is sung by Jeff Buckley:

And this interpretation grows on me. 

Finally, consider this trove of 15 lauded renditions, including k.d. laing's which many consider the best ever:

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