
Monday, January 6, 2014

E.J. Dionne: The Social Justice Majority Is Stymied By Re-Litigation Of The Past

Pope Francis: Litigating the Present


Why are we arguing about issues that were settled decades ago? Why, for example, is it so hard to extend unemployment insurance at a time when the jobless rate nationally is still at 7 percent and higher than that in 21 states ?...Similarly, raising the minimum wage wasn't always so complicated. The parties had their differences, but a solid block of Republicans once saw regular increases as a just way of spreading the benefits of economic growth. The contention over unemployment insurance and the minimum wage reflects the larger problem in American politics. Rather than discussing what we need to do to secure our future, we are spending most of our energy re-litigating the past." E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post.

"Catholic Peace And Justice Quotes Published By The Archidiocese Of Port Of Spain"

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