It seems that the upcoming presidential campaign will be, to a large extent, a rumination on the nature of Capitalism.
If you have not seen (or listened) to Gingrich's documentary excoriation of Romney (for being a Vulture Capitalist), it is embedded at the bottom of the following Salon page - http://www.salon.com/2012/01/12/newts_killer_attack_ad/singleton/ (You can also access "When Mitt Romney Came to Town" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLWnB9FGmWE )
However it's sliced -- and whether we call it Vulture Capitalism or Cowboy Capitalism -- the ruthless machinations of these profiteers are destroying America, turning the nation into a two-tiered class system with The Ungodly Rich at the top, and the hardscrabble poor at the bottom.
These globalizing marauders are taking America down more surely than al Qaeda on 9/11.
All the way down.
Throwing it under the bus... and with giddy abandon!
Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, described a rarely-referenced psycho-social phenomenon known as "enantiodromia."
In brief, enantiodromia is a common (but counter-intuitive) process by which individuals (and institutions) transmute - quite suddenly - into their polar "opposites." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enantiodromia
Romney's brand of capitalism - like most capitalist brands pumped by the GOP - are hostile to mom-and-pop, "build it in the garage," small-business venture capitalism that characterized our parents' generation and carried on through Steve Jobs.
Broadly speaking, there are two possible outcomes to our current conundrum.
Either Vulture Capitalism comes to an end.
Or the United States of America does. (At least in any recognizable form.)
A good refresher course on the implementation of epochal change is the streamable documentary, "FDR" at
Gingrich's most recent ad is called "The French Connection." In it, Newt attacks Romney for --- ready? --- speaking French! Consider: The Party of Nope's uncompromising obstructionism has paralyzed Congress and the fellow who may be the only intellectual luminary in the GOP takes it upon himself to attack a fellow Republican for speaking French!?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyFaWhygzjQ

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