Does Fox News make you stupid?
Does Fox News simply assume you’re stupid to start, then play you for a sucker, bending your will toward hidden agendas whose plutocratic masterminds disdain most Fox viewers? (The 1% always laughs loudest while chucking Americans under the bus.
The relationship between Fox and the network's followers is rather like Don Juan seducing a mentally defective 12 year old, leaving her pregnant with octuplets.

With so many citizens sufficiently witless that they proclaim psychopathic nonsense as Truth, The American Experiment will not end well.
We have always known that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Falsehood masquerading as Truth is as dangerous as it gets.
Where can we turn for political viability when so many "patriots" believe Barack HUSSEIN Obama is the Anti-Christ: a Kenyan-born Muslim socialist, anti-American, job-killing quisling, whose goal is to surrender the United States to a One World Government headed by Arab sheiks.
As a nation, we live on the other side of the looking glass, conjuring phantoms, pretending these ghosts are God's Truth.
"Every text, without a context, is a pretext."
And so, "biblical literalists" truncate texts to justify whatever carnage strikes their fancy. Vietnam. Panama. Granada. Nicaragua. Chile. El Salvador. Guatemala. Iraq. Iran "on deck."
Jesuit friend Tom Weston observed: “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do.”
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." Blaise Pascal ("Pensees," 1670)

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