Alan: It has become standard operating procedure for self-interested politicians to pluck "issues" from thin air - however preposterous they may be - then declare a crisis, and immediately thereafter establish a well-financed, high-ranking "commission" to probe "malfeasance," frequently an alleged manifestation of "fraud, waste or abuse."
"Waste, Fraud And Abuse" Is A Magic Spell Chanted By "Conservatives." To What End?
A textbook example of this strategic-scamming is Trump's beyond-bizarre allegation that 5,000,000 illegal votes were cast in 2016.
Once this horrifying anti-American scam was brought to light, the nation (in the Trumpist view) would finally realize that Drumpf had not only won The Electoral College but the popular vote as well.
Once this horrifying anti-American scam was brought to light, the nation (in the Trumpist view) would finally realize that Drumpf had not only won The Electoral College but the popular vote as well.

Routinely, "there is no there there."
However until the fabricated crisis crashes-and-burns (and this is the "beauty" of "The Real Scam"), the rank-and-file assume that the "crisis" must have "some validity" or surely there would be no high-ranking investigation in the first place.
And pigs fly.
(And the nation is distracted by ideological caca.)
(And the nation is distracted by ideological caca.)
Trump Commission On Voter Fraud Disbanded After Finding NOTHING
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