
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Conspiracists Now Claim Las Vegas Mass Killing Was A Hoax Perped By Homeland Security

Image result for Staged Massacre in Las Vegas

Alan: Examination of any "large event" provides sufficient mutually-contradictory data that any interested party can cobble together enough evidence to proclaim proof that the event-in-question was a hoax.

Undergirded by a passion for "confirmation bias" - - conspiracists fixate on cherry-picked information -- which, taken in isolation, often makes a persuasive case that conspiracy is afoot. 

However, conspiracists simultaneously stonewall/ignore/denigrate the tsunami of evidence demonstrating the event-in-question was not staged but real.

In the case of this week's Las Vegas massacre (and other massacres where large numbers of injured/dying people are taken to hospitals), consider my own experience.

I am blessed with a surfeit of freinds who are physicians and nurses at Duke Medical Center and UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill. 

These caregivers are typical of other medical personnel I know all across the United States and Canada.

Not one of these people -- NOT ONE -- would "play along" with a hoax alleging that scores of wounded people had been taken to their hospitals if those casualties were not real.

Indeed, every single one of these caregivers would be outraged by the perpetration of hoax and would -- without a nanosecond's hesitation -- trumpet the fraud through individual declarations, and in league with their medical colleagues.

Furthermore, consider the role played by Donald Trump in America's current psycho-social milieu. 

Trump's political existence depends on "fake news." 

His political future depends on his ability to persuade people that "fake news" is provable and ubiquitous.

If the Las Vegas massacre were "staged" by Homeland Security "crisis actors" (as conspiracists call the supposed thespians who orchestrate these alleged hoaxes) Trump would tweet-storm (tweet-hurricane?) that Las Vegas was a theatrical event, thus proving the existence of "fake news" at every level, including the most Oz-ian. 

The resulting "scandal" would catapult Trump's political fortunes to the stratosphere, transforming him from a Brazen Liar (in the minds of many) to a Truth Teller par excellence.

Into this "conspiratorial brew" (always at full boil among conspiracists), I suggest the overwhelming likelihood that if Trump "outed" a hoax in Las Vegas, he would not only guarantee re-election but would impart such credibility to Trump's cornerstone allegation of "fake news" that he could create his own political party to replace the moribund GOP. 

Recall that Trump was eager to assert his eyewitness testimony of "thousands of Muslims cheering the collapse of the Twin Towers."

The greater the opportunity for Trump to be a contrarian, the more irrepressibly he blurts. 

Pissing on The Official Story is Trump's central passion. 

Agent Orange is a loose canon who cannot resist opportunity to spout off. The more volcanically, the better  

Nothing - and no one - can change this.

Trump is a political pornographer - and a cultural terrorist - for whom "Las Vegas hoax" would prove irresistibly prurient.

A final note...

Conspiracists use actual "evidence" (which may or may not be admissible as "legal evidence") and -- extrapolating inductions and deductions from this "evidence" -- assert absolute certainty that their endless conveyor belt of conspiratorial thinking is real when The Light of intellectual rigor and meticulous examination of all evidence renders absolute certainty pigheaded folly.
Staged Massacre In Las Vegas
The Thinking Housewife

Compendium Of Pax Posts: Persuading A Loved One That His Conspiracism Is Mostly Crazy

Harvey/Irma Hurricane Conspiracy Reveals The Idiocy Of Most Conspiracism

Ongoing Correspondence With A Conspiracist Friend Re: The "Staged" Slaughter At Sandy Hook

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