
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rabbi Sacks' Championship Of Religion To Ensure "The We" Over "I" And The Ugly Reality

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Donald Trump Has His Finger On The Nuclear Button. 
Maybe We Should Do Something About That.

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The Borowitz Report: "Trump Says He Would Only Use Nuclear Weapons In A Sarcastic Way"

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Last Week I Told Friends That North Korea Was Custom-Made For A Trump Attack. Now This...

Would America Care If Trump Nuked North Korea? Stanford-Dartmouth Research Says No

Trump: "North Korea Should Have Been Handles 25 Years Ago." 
(N.B. The Korean War Failed.)

Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic

Dear Chuck,

Thanks for sending this article about Rabbi Sacks who, by the way, was the focus of this morning's TED Radio Hour.

Sacks is a voice worth hearing, although I am increasingly suspicious of religion because -- alongside politics -- the dimwits among them have learned that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." 

And so, in the absence of an agreed-upon central credo that prioritizes "love, service and compassion" (to the exclusion of targeted-hatred/marginalization/demonization-damnation in the name-of-God), "the most devout" (often the religious equivalent of "the most patriotic") are likely to wreak the greatest havoc with S-Trump-ets actually plumping for nuclear holocaust to hasten The Second Coming.

This set of circumstances is a major quandary, one that squares with my longstanding belief that terrestrial Armageddon will be a self-fulfilling prophecy wrought by punctilious, church-going, conservative Christians.

"Who would have thought it could be so complicated?"

In the following post I have expressed these misgivings against the backdrop of Rabbi Sack's receipt of the 2017 Irving Kristol Award

Pax tecum

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