
Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Damage Done By Trump's Hyper-Sexualized Misogyny: Will He Drop Out?

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"Hey Donald! Can we tell it like it is?"

Dear F,

If Trump were to withdraw from the race, I think a large percentage of his crazies would drop out of the election altogether, possibly resulting in greater "down ticket " damage than if he staid in, even as "damaged goods."

It would also be difficult for Donald to quit on his crazies, who, after all, have been his lifeblood this last year and a half.

Say what we may about The Donald, he rewards his suck-ups and sycophants.

Plus, neither The Despicable One nor his kids have ANY investment in The Republican Party, which is - for The Dynasty - a sheerly oportunistic vehicle for Daddy's intended coup.

Hell, Donald would have preferred to run as a Democrat but there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell The Donkeys would let THAT asshole anywhere close to the levers of power.

But mostly, how could Donald quit... and then live with himself? 

To lose by "going down fighting" is one thing.

But to put your tail between your legs and run away - yowling in pain - is a categorical "Other." 

In the center of Trump's psyche, the plutopath may not even want to win which would make the prospect of "losing" --- after "fighting to the finish" --- downright attractive!

He could then consider himself the born-again Christian whom "The Evil Left Wing Conspiracy" refused to forgive for a "forgiven sin" that happened long ago.

Of course, if the Koch brothers get him in a backroom and offer him a billion dollars to quit, he would take the money and spend the rest of his life bragging about what a Great Deal he made.

He could even argue that cutting this deal was his sole goal from the beginning!?! 

Yep! He's that smart! (And the Koch brothers are that stupid.)

What's to keep him from laughing all the way to the bank? 

Especially if his net worth is under a billion dollars as many analysts calculate.



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