Former Baltimore Police Officer Michael A. Wood Jr Publicly Blows Whistle On Police Corruption
Source 2: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/retired-accuses-baltimore-police-brutality-article-1.2270122
Alan: Officer Wood confirms my sense that "in the eyes of the law," every one of us is always guilty of something.
Consequently, law enforcement comes down to the constant question: "Who am I going to pick on?"
And when am I going to pick on that young black man? (Real soon...)
And when -- if ever -- am I going to pick on that middle or upper class white guy? (Okay, never...)

No matter what, she will not "do time."
Since we're all guilty all the time, law enforcement becomes a game of "pick and choose."
And immediately, vicious, prejudicial cycles come into play so that dark-skinned people get picked on more, "do more time," pay more fines, sink deeper into unemployability and poverty and therefore get picked on more, "do more time," pay more fines and sink deeper into unemployability and poverty.
American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)

No matter what, she will not "do time."
American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)
"The System Makes It 350% More Likely That People Of Color Do Time For Same Crime"
"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Bias Against Blacks
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Bias Against Blacks
"After My Mugging C. 1970, The Police Pressured Me To Give False Testimony"
"After My Mugging C. 1970, The Police Pressured Me To Give False Testimony"
American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year
1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist
(You will not find this hard to believe if you are a black person.)

Why Police Are So Violent Toward Black Men
In the words of an Baltimore ex–cop.
This past year has seen an enormous amount of attention paid to the toxic divide between police departments and the poor, black communities they serve. One thing we’ve learned is that tribal loyalty often prevents police officers from criticizing each other or their departments publicly—and at least sometimes, they lie when one of their own faces charges of misconduct. That’s why the recent emergence of
, a retired Baltimore cop, as a critic of law enforcement culture landed with impact: His voice was the relatively rare one that spoke with the knowledge of an insider but the unforgiving skepticism of an outsider.
In this video, you’ll meet Wood while he drives the streets of the city where he served as a police officer for 11 years, and hear him lay out his conception of what’s going wrong in the world of policing and how it could be made right.
Only have a minute? Here are the parts you shouldn’t miss:
At 2:40, Wood describes his biggest fear while working on the force.
At 6:20, he identifies the type of officers who are most likely to act irrationally in high-stress situations.
At 6:20, he identifies the type of officers who are most likely to act irrationally in high-stress situations.
At 8:10, Wood pivots to a systemic problem throughout the force: how easily anger among officers can turn toxic.
At 10:30, Wood offers his own proposal to change the cycle.
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