
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Attempt To Calm A Friend's Freak-Out Over Trump's Trumpery

Dear F,

Last night, my friend (and Spanish student) B.H. brought the following article to my attention. It's a bit dated, but still sound (I think).

For me, Trump remains the easiest candidate for Hillary to beat and therefore The Donald is My Man.

Go Donald!

"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts

Of course, nothing is certain.

Indeed the quest for certainty is, in my view, the fundamental impulse behind fascism: people feel ill-at-ease and get behind the candidate who promises them 1.) security, and 2.) return to a (presumed) Golden Age.

For example, most Tea Party conservatives want to go way back in time.

Way back.

But they are clueless that until 1750, half of humankind died by age 8.

Until 1850, a typical American lived with toothache half of his life.



Follow-Up Dialogue With F:

Dear F,

Despite your despair over The Donald, let's hope Trump is the Republican nominee.

He will be easier to beat than Rubio or Carson, who, at the moment, are only other possible nominees. (And, even as we speak, Carson is probably dying from a thousand self-inflicted cuts.)

Cruz is all media hype.

Almost no Republican -- except fundy-evangelicals not captivated by Trump -- wants him.

We may be a lost people.

But when the dark-skinned demographic tsunami becomes the decisive political force -- particularly in the increasingly purple states of Texas, Florida, Georgia and Virginia -- in as few as 10 years (and no more than 20) the squeaky wheel (which is currently making ugly death sounds) will be a thing of the past and the United States will have a relatively open road to European-style democratic socialism. 

Whatever his chances for the Democratic nomination, it is not insignificant that Bernie is making a surprisingly Big Splash as a professedly socialist candidate. 

His candidacy wouldn't -- and couldn't -- have happened just 10 years ago. 

Now it's a gathering power.

The only possible tide-turner would be a major terror attack on "The Homeland" within 3 months of election day.

If that happens, American patriots -- true to form -- would immediately do the bidding of their jihadi overlords.

Don't worry about Donald.

He's Hillary's ace in the hole.



On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 7:32 PM, FV wrote:
Dear A
Didn't know that.
Rand Paul just said he would support Donald if he is the nominee.  McCain ,Ryan, Paul. They all drank the Kool aid. It's unbelievable  to me. Barber seems to be sane but she'd probably support him to. The only thing she said about his comments about calling him out after the SOTU  speech was that Donald shouldn't take it personally. I hope and think is was personal as it should have been. Why can't any Rep. speak the truth and call him out as a fear mongering, racist, dangerous, megalomaniac bully etc.etc.etc. Nobody will do it for the country's sake. Reince Priebus just said the whole party will get behind whoever the nominee is even if he;s hated among the party. We are a lost people.


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