
Friday, September 5, 2014

U.S. Appeals Court Uses Sarcasm To Strike Down Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Alan: Will mainstream Americans eventually realize that the proscription of same-sex marriage is the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law?
Regardless religious teaching concerning same-sex marriage -- and whether it is good, bad or indifferent in God's own eyes -- same-sex marriage bans are categorically incompatible with the Constitution's "Equal Protection Clause."
To argue otherwise arises from an urge to replace Democracy with Theocracy.
We can, of course, "go there."
Do we want to?

"American Theocracy," by Kevin Phillips


Appeals court strikes down same-sex marriage bans in Indiana, Wisconsin. "The lengthy, often sarcastic ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit said the states could not justify denying marriage to homosexuals, who it said are 'among the most stigmatized, misunderstood and discriminated-against minorities in the history of the world.'....Two other regional appeals courts...have ruled that state bans are unconstitutional....The winners and losers in all of those cases have asked the Supreme Court for a definitive ruling....The Supreme Court could consider whether to accept the question as early as this month. The 7th Circuit’s decision was not unexpected." Robert Barnes in The Washington Post

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