
Monday, September 15, 2014

The Free Market, Over-The-Counter Birth Control, And Intrinsic GOP Contradiction

"No! We should draw the line over here."

"No, over there!"


Ad infinitum.


Alan: If conservatism's passion for unregulated "free markets" is extended to the sale of over-the-counter birth control drugs, American parents will no longer be able to control their daughters' access to such drugs. 

Once a "free market" "line" is drawn somewhere, every citizen can, without philosophical impediment, debate where every "line" should be drawn. 

In effect, there are no absolutes and absolutism has no place in democratic process.

Similarly, if we "draw a line" declaring abortion acceptable in cases of rape, incest or ectopic pregnancy, then that same "line" can be drawn anywhere. 

At least in a democracy. 

The demonstrated ability of democratic process to contradict Scripture animates contemporary America's fondness for theocracy, simultaneously rendering many "patriots" anti-American.

Clarification of theocratically-driven, right-wing anti-Americanism is essential to any real discussion of Uncle Sam's future.


"American Theocracy"
by Kevin Phillips


Changing tack, GOP candidates support better access to birth control. "So what gives? First of all, Republicans are in a deep hole with female voters, and polls show all voters are less likely to support candidates who restrict women's reproductive rights. Republican strategist Katie Packer Gage says the GOP needed to get out of its defensive crouch....Calling for an over-the-counter pill allows Republicans to support access to birth control while also supporting the right of corporations to avoid covering it. Getting the pill at a pharmacy without a prescription leaves insurers and employers out of the picture altogether. But some Republicans are having trouble with their new talking points." Mara Liasson in NPR

Poll: "War on women" motivates voters, especially women and minorities. Jay Newton-Small in Time Magazine.

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