
Sunday, September 7, 2014

This American Life: "Super Business Girl"

Alan: When I first listened to Super Business Girl, I was taken by her charm and cheerful brashness.

The second time, she was all pitch, no substance.

I felt I was being taken.

As I write this post, I see the same passive voice verb structure in "both" reviews.

"I was taken."

"I was being taken."

Fifteen years ago, I spent a couple days with educator John Taylor Gatto who said something so blindingly obvious that I'd never seen it before. 

"Most of what America sells is junk."

The American Salesman.

The American Saleswoman.

Often their method does not even rise to the level of bait-and-switch.

It's just bait.

A chunk of meat.

Hooker enticement.

Something entirely different than what it seems.

533: It's Not the Product, It's the Person
SEP 5, 2014
Starting a business is not for the self-doubting. Or even usually the self-deprecating. The first thing you have to sell is yourself —like dating, but with a greater chance of landing in debt. We have a new story from Mike Birbiglia, and Alex Blumberg tells the incredible, sweat-stains-and-all saga of a man fumbling through starting a new business, and the man is: himself.

Super Business Girl

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