Alan: Never in the history of the world has a political party invested so much money, will power and political capital as The Republican Party expended to oppose Obamacare as legislation, and now to overturn it as law. Despite the GOP's "all-in" effort, backed by a diabolically deceptive propaganda campaign, Obamacare - even with its catastrophic start - has proven a robust success, recouping all lost ground in only 4 months of an intended 6 month process.
Notably, this is just the start.
As Americans realize the many advantages of Obamacare, they will also realize that The GOP took them for rubes and suckers, persuading many Americans to become their own oppressors.
Having lost "the signal" in "the noise," it became commonplace for citizens to serve -- simultaneously -- as wardens and inmates.
Suddenly, there is distinct possibility that Obamacare will enjoy majoritarian support by Election Day.
If this is true, the GOP could even now be breathing its last
while The Democratic Party prepares to win both Houses of Congress.
Obama's accomplishment in face of titanic opposition is dim adumbration of what he will achieve when his political potential is no longer blocked by dunderheaded foes whose vocabulary is limited to the word "No."
If this is true, the GOP could even now be breathing its last
while The Democratic Party prepares to win both Houses of Congress.
Obama's accomplishment in face of titanic opposition is dim adumbration of what he will achieve when his political potential is no longer blocked by dunderheaded foes whose vocabulary is limited to the word "No."

The tide has turned.
By November, Democrats will be well poised to win both houses of Congress.
If Republicans value their survival, they'd best become something more than The Party of Nope.
"Eerie resemblance between people who say White House is making up ACA enrollment numbers and those who said pollsters were making up Obama numbers vs Romney."
If Republicans value their survival, they'd best become something more than The Party of Nope.
"Eerie resemblance between people who say White House is making up ACA enrollment numbers and those who said pollsters were making up Obama numbers vs Romney."
MAR 31, 2014 AT 04:05 PM PDT
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - The Obamacare Photos the Mainstream Media Doesn't Want You to See
Whenever someone says the media is liberal, I laugh, because if the media was truly liberal these images would be plastered everywhere. Instead, the media is engaging in a blackout.
Oh, but if one ridiculous junk insurance policy is cancelled, the media ignites a firestorm, with wall to wall bleating.
The corrupt New York Times even had the gall to call ACA, "Obama's Katrina".
In Katrina nearly 2,000 people were drowned to death, hundred of thousands of people lost their homes, over $80,000,000,000 dollars in property damage, and the pathetic Times is so desperate to manufacture false equivalences, so they can cover for Republican crimes, that they disgustingly equate that catastrophe with 17 million people getting health insurance for the first times in their lives.
But they can't stop the internet.
Obamacare is a wild success -- here's the proof
Las Vegas

Jacksonville, Florida


El Paso

Columbia, South Carolina


A Cab Driver in Atlanta

Organizing for America

Brownsville, Texas

Charlotte, North Carolina

Across Arizona

San Antonio, Texas

San Jose, California

Spokane, Washington

Tampa, Florida

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Rockford, Illinois


Mobile, Alabama

Newark, New Jersey

Palo Alto, Texas

Panorama City, California

McAllen, Texas

Long Beach, California


Sandusky, Ohio

President Obama received a hug from a tearful Stephanie Miller whose sister, Kelly Hines, died of colon cancer at the age of 37.
“I thanked him for the getting theAffordable Health Act passed,” she said. "The President replied he would keep on fighting for us and that our fight is not over."Miller said her sister, Kelly Hines, died from colon cancer four years ago because she could not afford proper health insurance. She had no employer-provided coverageHines soon began a new job where she was given employer-sponsoredhealth care coverage , but as a new employee she needed to be present in the workplace, which ultimately interfered with her cancer treatment.Hines clocked anywhere from 40 to 80 hours a week, despite her weakening condition. "She worked until she couldn't anymore so that she could provide for her kids," said Miller.Following a 15-month struggle, Hines succumbed to the disease -- leaving behind her sons, 10 and 15, at the time."We needed that desperately," Miller continued. "I know what it's like to watch somebody that you love die from a disease that had they been able to have health care [coverage], they could still be here. Nobody should ever have to go through that. Her sons should not have to suffer without their mother."
Nancy Smash

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