
Friday, April 4, 2014

The Importance Of Releasing The CIA Torture Report. Smirk And Snarl's Comeuppance

Smirk and Snarl
Mass Murderers
War Criminals


The importance of releasing the CIA report. "After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Bush Administration empowered the CIA to torture human prisoners. This was done in secret, without any due process....This subterfuge is cowardly and indefensible. Some Americans believe that it isn't torture to blindfold a prisoner, strap him to a board, gag him, and force water into his nasal cavity until his lungs fill with water, inducing the experience of drowning. Even they should recognize the public's interest in determining the efficacy of whatever interrogation methods were used to prevent terrorist attacks. That's why the Senate Intelligence Committee spent millions of dollars and countless hours of its staffers' time producing a 6,300-page report on CIA torture -- and why a majority of the committee, composed of its Democratic members plus two senators from Maine, want a portion of the report to be declassified." Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic.

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