
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Republican Resistance To Equal Pay For Women Pisses Them Off Even More

Keep it up Pugs!

Piss women off.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

You are also encouraged to keep angering students, young adults, Hispanics and other people of color.
(I am flabbergasted that you guys are not already on the Democratic payroll.)


"This was not the way Republican leaders had planned to observe Equal Pay Day. On the eve of Tuesday's commemoration -- the day symbolizing how far into 2014 women must work to catch up to the wages men earned in 2013 -- a small newspaper in Louisiana, the Ouachita Citizen, reported that its congressman, Republican Rep. Vance McAllister, had been videotaped making out with a low-paid staffer....Republicans aren't responsible for McAllister any more than Democrats are to blame for Anthony Weiner's weirdness. But for Republicans, who have a big disadvantage among unmarried women, this reinforces a perception. The Democrats' accusation of a GOP 'war on women' sticks not because of what Democrats say but because of what Republicans do -- and the big problems aren't personal pratfalls but rather public policy." Dana Milbank in The Washington Post.

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