
Monday, April 21, 2014

Obamacare Successes Are Destroying The GOP's Mid-Term Strategy.

Alan: With half a year until election day, it now seems the GOP will not win the Senate 
and is within spitting distance of losing the House.


BEUTLER: Obamacare successes destroying GOP midterm strategy. "In a recent article, conservative political analyst Sean Trende examined how an election that looks so ripe for Republicans could go sour. 'The way this could occur is fairly straightforward: The Affordable Care Act improves; there's no massive rate shock for premiums in September or October; and the economy slowly gains ground. This should propel President Obama's job approval upward, lifting the collective Democratic boat.' As Danny Vinik has noted, none of this is remotely implausible. And if something along these lines begins taking shape, Republicans would have to revisit the idea that they can just block Democratic legislation, scream 'Obummercare!' and let a friendly electoral map do all the work.." Brian Beutler in The New Republic.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: How to run on health care reform. "The Republican attack machine, fueled by millions of dollars from the Koch brothers, has Democrats so rattled about the health reform law that many don't want to talk about it. They're happy to run on equal pay for women, or a higher minimum wage, or immigration reform -- all of which provide important contrasts with a do-nothing Republican Party -- but they haven't said much about the biggest social accomplishment of the Obama administration." Editorial Board.

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