
Sunday, April 13, 2014

4th Grade Science Quiz At South Carolina Christian School

Brought to you by satellite triangulation and The Theory of Relativity.

Alan: A prediction... Pope Francis will write an encyclical that spotlights humankind's moral obligation to the biosphere. In that encyclical, Francis will acknowledge that anthropogenic global warming is more solidly corroborated by factual evidence than the Theory of Relativity which, despite its theoretical nature, is the foundation of your car's GPS guidance system. 

Ironically, the depth of a person's scientific ignorance can be accurately measured by the intensity of said person's belief that Truth is invariably linked to Absolutely Inviolable Laws and not to statistical probabilities. 

Personally, I do not believe The Law of Gravity is inviolable. 

Rather, I am persuaded (at least as a working hypothesis) that Saint Joseph of Cupertino could counteract gravity through levitation. 

Despite my belief in Joseph's abnormal capability, I do not "play loose" with The Law of Gravity. 

"Exceptions to rules" do not -- as many ill-informed conservatives believe -- justify the formulation of New Rules. 

Despite the conviction of many modern conservatives, "man(kind) does not live by anecdote alone."

I understand the linchpin importance of the First Amendment and the nation's need to protect religious beliefs based on scriptural narrative and other non-scientific mythologies. 

However, the "Science Quiz" below reveals an unbreachable gap between Aggressive Ignorance and that modicum of intellectual integrity that alone can create the conditions necessary for survival of techno-scientific culture. 

The Right to be ignorant does not render ignorance advisable. 

Rather, deliberate ignorance of settled scientific judgment (which, admittedly, is continually open to revision) is a shameful indulgence - a kind of intellectual prostitution. 

"Checking one's brain at the door," is an irresponsible way of taking refuge in ideological simplicity while others "do the heavy lifting" associated with complexity, ambiguity, irony and paradox. 

By my lights, courage is the ability to live with ambiguity.

Anyone who expects enough technological infrastructure to anesthetize patients during surgery, cure cancer, graft third degree burns, drill teeth painlessly and successfully treat deadly infections would wisely acknowledge humankind's non-negotiable need for an intelligentsia that does not believe the world/universe is 6000 years old.

If antidiluvian beliefs were universalized, the effect of such religion on "The American Way" would be more destructive than the designs of al Qaeda.


"Bad Religion: A Definition"

The source of this quiz is the father of the student who took it.  He will not identify the school until June, after his daughter finishes the school year there, after which she will move to another school.  Snopes rates this item as "probably true.
I'm pretty much speechless here.  Plus, the test speaks for itself.

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