
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Frog Hospital's Fred Owens Oversees Conversation About Refugees - With My Comment

Image result for latino refugees
TLD: America is not the world's refugee center. Trying to do that will only bring about our own economic collapse. Those people coming across should be taken back where they came from, given a cheap rifle and some ammo, and told "fix your own country." We have a lot of problems of our own, and we cannot afford to fix the world. We are not that rich. We are the world's greatest debtor nation.
Fred Owens Let us welcome the stranger in need. We have room for you and work for you.
Fred Owens We are a most wealthy country. Look, Lane, if you are having money troubles, we can help happens to almost everybody. No reason to be ashamed...

AK: As a group, immigrants pay back into the tax system more than the services they use. 

Many of the countries they are fleeing from have destabilized governments thanks to our own meddling.
...See More
GB: Our debt is due to a bloated military machine and corporate welfare.
TLD: Fred Owens let us welcome the immigrant who comes to work. Let us NOT have a welfare state of any kind. It is NOT the place of Government to take care of people. As Thomas Sowell observed years ago, open borders would be fine if we did not have a we...See More
TLD to GB: How can anyone look at 100-120 billion per year on illegal aliens and say we can afford an unlimted welfare state? That makes about as much sense. If we were in Sweden where they have "universal health care," limited by waiting periods, my...See More

Alan Archibald Lane is right!

"America is not the world's refugee center."

Not by a long shot. 

In fact, Islamic countries are the world's foremost refugee centers. 

I continually marvel that actual, factual truth routinely contradicts the non-factual opinions of American "cruelists" masquerading as "conservatives." 

Stephen Colbert refers to "truth's well-known left-wing bias" and Vietnam war resister, Rev. William Sloane Coffin titled a book "The Heart Leans To The Left." 

I do nor expect people with no heart to understand this: indeed, their opacity is the cornerstone of America's Great Epistemological Divide. 

Even so, please remember that conservatives - typically captive to myopic passions-of-the-moment - were the most zealous supporters of the Vietnam and Iraq debacles. (BTW... Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's "The Vietnam War" -- with a well-earned 9.2 rating on IMDb -- is currently streaming on Netflix.

However, when bellicose tempers cooled, most jingoistic conservatives -- like Trump himself -- came to see those wars for the catastrophic bullshit they were. 

In fact, Donald's view of The Iraq War was the single most truthful thing said during the Republican candidate debates in 2016. 

Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Debate

Getting back to Lane's comments...

His belief that "fraud, waste and abuse" is a significant cause of America's woes is a make-believe mantra to mollify the addlepates who believe "opinion trumps truth." 

Foreign Aid As A Measure Of American Stupidity
When The Electorate Is THIS Stupid, Is ANY Delusional Thinking Out Of Bounds?

Isaac Asimov Meets Tinfoil Trump

Conveniently, "waste, fraud and abuse" -- "Om Mani Padme Hum" -- lays blame at the door of government (while seeming to justify its categorical derrogation), but deceptively exculpates the plutocrats who are the real culprits who have stolen the country and trashed The American Dream. Check out the following video clips by George Carlin. ///

"The Rich Aren't Just Grabbing A Bigger Slice Of The Pie. They're Taking It All"

The Facts Are In: The Republican Party Is Terrible For Prosperity But Unparalleled For Catastrophe

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