
Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Story Of My Lai Hero Major Hugh Thompson, A "Major Motion Picture" That Begs Making

Image result for Major Hugh Thompson
Dear T,

As always, thanks for weighing in.

I wonder if you -- or anyone in your circle -- has leverage that might result in bringing Major Hugh Thompson's unrelentingly dramatic story to "the silver screen."

Those who have a hand in realizing a cinematic dramatization of Thompson's "profile in courage," will in my view do this country -- and the world -- an inestimable service.

Major Hugh Thompson Jr., The U.S. Hero Who Told Lt. Calley His Chopper Crew Would Kill Him

In advance, thanks for "thinking it over."

As a twice medevacked Marine -- and as a trained historian -- your view is invaluable to me.

Paz contigo,


On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 9:40 AM, TM wrote:

I spent a month in Glasgow during the 2016 campaign and got an earful on the orange toddler; by Scottish measure, the most detestable man on the face of the planet.


On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 3:04 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:


Trump's current visit to Scotland is an ideal time to view "You've Been Trumped," a 2011 documentary about "Devious Donald's" imperious "takeover of Scotland" viewed through the microcosm of Trump's brutal treatment of a Scottish coastal community, displacing its residents from their ancestral homes so he could build a golf course which in turn severely degraded one of Scotland's most precious nature preserves.

Revealingly, this whole sordid escapade has nothing to do with political polarization in the United States. 

Rather, it is the story of salt-of-the-earth people living in Scotland's "outback" and their fulminating outrage at the solipsistic egotism and bone-deep spitefulness of a vile man. 

The unstoppable steamroller of Trump's destructiveness and piggish inhumanity is so transparently garish in this documentary that even Trumpistas will be ashamed of their "hero."

Trump supporter or not, you will come away from this documentary with an epiphanic understanding of a man who carefully calculates every act of cruelty to maximize its viciousness. 

"You've Been Trumped" is a revelation of biblical proportion --- and riveting from start to finish.

Go ahead! Make your day!


Giving Trump a mulligan is like giving Larry Nassar a weekend pass to a girl's gymnastics camp.



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