Thanks for your email.
I think Trump is feeling so much heat "around Russia" that he will theatricalize "the Putin spat," making it look like Big Bamboo is the tough guy eager to put down trouble-maker upstart.
I think "the grown ups" will keep Donald in the play pen while they walk back his Obamacare bluster. (Trump has got to be pissed! Of course, coward that he is, he never even stated his healthcare philosophy nor offered any guidance to his party. He just wanted a victory, knowing he could spin any shit sandwich into "something terrific.")
AP Fact Check: Trump's Promises On Healthcare
Rep. Joe Kennedy III Tells "Christian" Trump-Care Supporters: Your So-Called "Mercy" Is "Malice"
Rep. Joe Kennedy III Tells "Christian" Trump-Care Supporters: Your So-Called "Mercy" Is "Malice"
The Cruel Old Party: The GOP’s Passage Of Trumpcare Is Unprecedentedly Callous
7 Years' Bitching About Obamacare While Continually Touting Their "Terrific, Low-Cost Replacement" And The GOP Produces Nothing But Flatulence, Excrement And Anguish For 25 Million Americans, Simultaneously Tranferring Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars To The 1%
Abomicare: Trump's Titanic Failure
What's Missing From This Photo of Politicians Deciding the Future of Women's Health? Anyone?
Great NPR Summary Of The History And Current Status Of The GOP's "Healthcare Deprivation Act"
Great NPR Summary Of The History And Current Status Of The GOP's "Healthcare Deprivation Act"
The Partisan Divide: Do We Want Good Healthcare? Or Do We Want Political Chest-Thumping?
(It Goes Without Saying That American Conservatives Want Poor People To Die From Lack Of Care. And If They Want Care They Need To Pay For It.)
The Partisan Divide: Do We Want Good Healthcare? Or Do We Want Political Chest-Thumping?
(It Goes Without Saying That American Conservatives Want Poor People To Die From Lack Of Care. And If They Want Care They Need To Pay For It.)
(It Goes Without Saying That American Conservatives Want Poor People To Die From Lack Of Care. And If They Want Care They Need To Pay For It.)

If he tries to pull the plug on Obamacare, the fan will get hit big time.
And the GOP will own the mess.
Realisticallly, I think the big worry now is military action against North Korea... although it's looking like Kim Jung Un has enough nuclear missiles stashed that he could easily hit Seoul or Japan with one of them.
Fortunately, no one in his right mind would run that risk.
Unfortunately, Deplorable Donald is not in his right mind.
"Busy giddy minds with foreign wars."
Last Week I Told Friends That North Korea Was Custom-Made For A Trump Attack. Now This...
I can't even imagine what bombardment of North Korea might mean - up to and including the end of civilization as we know it.

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence
The Christian Doctrine Of Damnation... And The Destruction Of Christ-Spirit
The Christian Doctrine Of Damnation... And The Destruction Of Christ-Spirit
Presumably Mattis and MacMaster would form a nucleus of resistance.
And although I don't know anything about Kelly, he might make it a threesome.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 5:53 PM, FV; wrote:
On a political note. it is threatening to withhold reimbursement payment to insurance co's. How does it have the power to unilaterally do that? Will it be in a tweet, like the Transgender in military, that gets walked back by proper authorities?How do you think it'll handle Putin's ire and pushback at the sanctions?Haven't heard a word yet.Love
FOn Jul 30, 2017 4:45 PM, "Alan Archibald" <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear F,
Thanks for your email.Although there's an element of relief, I am also keenly aware that the single most dangerous things young people (or any of us) do is to get in an autombbile.And in Danny's case, since he's a small town boy I am more apprehensive of him navigating the streets of Colorado Springs than going into deep wilderness all alone.Or, as Caribou calls it, "a walk in the woods."LoveA
On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 3:52 PM, FV wrote:
Wonderboy did it again. Another great adventure under his belt. Are you relieved or is it just me? Hopefully he'll be able to settle long enough to take on college with the same enthusiasm.
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