
Thursday, March 3, 2016

GOP Rep From New Hampshire Charged With Felonious Sexual Assault Of An Underage Girl

A 14 year old girl
Alan: I realize that moral turpitude is everywhere. I myself am not exempt.
However, it is always amusing to see the Party of Family Values -- and "First Centerfold" Melania Trump -- "found out" for being as human as anyone else. 
Maybe more so...
Jen Hayden
New Hampshire Rep. Kyle Tasker is behind bars after he was arrested on very serious charges:

Kyle Tasker
Kyle Tasker’s mugshot

Tasker, 30, of 87 Smoke St., faces four felony charges following his arrest Tuesday in Nottingham.

He is charged with certain uses of computer services prohibited for allegedly using Facebook Messenger to arrange a meeting with an underage girl with the intent to commit aggravated felonious sexual assault. 

Tasker also faces three felony drug charges accusing him of possessing marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and the drug Soboxone with the intent to sell.
The teenage girl turned out to be an undercover police officer. 
Making matters worse, this pillar of the community served on New Hampshire’s House Committee on Children and Family Law. He was immediately removed from committee duty:
House Speaker Shawn Jasper released a statement on Tasker’s arrest, saying that he has removed him from the Committee on Children and Family Law.
Representative Tasker is facing serious charges that, if true, are beyond the bounds of human decency. It is clear that given the seriousness of these allegations, Rep. Tasker will be unable to represent his constituents effectively, and should resign immediately. This morning I issued a letter immediately removing him from his assignment on the House Children and Family Law committee. While only Rep. Tasker can make the decision to resign from his seat, the House does have the ability to remove him.
Tasker is in his third term as a Republican representative in New Hampshire. He made headlines in 2012 when he dropped his concealed handgun while heading into a hearing:
Rep. Kyle Tasker, R-Northwood, said he was settling into his seat during a hearing of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee when a concealed handgun under his jacket popped out of its holster and fell to the floor

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