
Friday, March 4, 2016

GOP Presidential Debate In Detroit: Fact-Checking The Claim That Obamacare Is A Job Killer

Alan: In the wake of Obamacare there are now 20,000,000 more Americans with health insurance, an immense "patient pool" requiring more healthcare workers and ancillary healthcare businesses to take care of them. 
As for the massive layoffs that would be caused by Obamacare's burden on employers, ask friends and associates if they know anyone --- just one person! --- who lost a job because employers were overly burdened by Obamacare. (If you locate a single thus deprived, please email me at
Here is AP's fact-checking of Ted Cruz' repeated assertion that Obamacare is "the biggest job killer in America."
THE FACTS: The evergreen assertion that Obamacare is "the biggest job killer in America" flies in the face of an unemployment rate that has fallen to 4.9 percent from 9.9 percent in March 2010, when President Barack Obama signed the health care law.
The economy has added more than 13.4 million jobs during that period.
While the health care law doesn't seem to have had a major impact on jobs, some lesser consequences are likely. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the availability of government subsidized health insurance will prompt some people to drop out of the labor market since they can now get coverage without holding down a job.

AP FACT CHECK: Claims from the GOP debate

By Calvin Woodward and Martin Crutsinger, Associated Press   |  Posted Mar 3rd, 2016

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