
Friday, January 2, 2015

Stop Eating At Chick Fil-A; Won't Stop Buying Gasoline

Speciousness is the American conservative's raison d'être

Here's how it sorts...

There are viable alternatives to Chick-Fil-A.

However, for most people, there is not a viable alternative to the internal combustion engine.

Contemporary conservatives believe that truth is determined by clever phrasing, specious logic or which "team" shouts loudest.

Contemporary conservatives seldom believe that Truth resides, "indwellingly," in the very "nature of things" and that its ontological roots can only be discovered, not created nor devised.

Truth is.

Lies are legion.

Lamentably, conservatives lie faster than liberals can fact-check.

"The Death of Epistemology"

The Psychiatric Diagnosis Of American Conservatives: Folie a Plusieurs 

"American Conservatives And Oppositional-Defiant Disorder"

"The Republican Party Is A Satanic Cult"

Jindal Criticizes The Stupid Party: "Simply protects the rich so they get to keep their toys"

"The Reign of Morons Is Here," Charles P. Pierce, The Atlantic

"A Southerner Explains Tea Party Radicalism: The Civil War Is Not Over"

"People Who Watch Only Fox News 
Know Less Than People Who Watch No News"

Bill Maher: The Zombie Life Cycle Of Republican Lies. They Never - Ever - Die

"Bank On It: The South Is Always Wrong"

"Why The Bible Belt Is Its Own Worst Enemy"
  2. "Republicans For Revolution," A Study In Anarchic Apocalypticism

The Guardian: John Olivers' Viral Video Is The Best Climate Debate You'll Ever See

Stewart, Colbert, Oliver Probe The Spectacular Idiocy Of Climate Change Deniers

    George McGovern: "The Case For Liberalism, A Defense Of The Future Against The Past"

    Conservative Norm Ornstein: The Media Ignore Republican Lunacy

    "Let's Just Say It. The Republicans Are The Problem"
    Conservative Norm Ornstein and Liberal Thomas Mann

    "Just How Far Out Is The Republican Fringe?" Norm Ornstein (And Is It The Fringe?)

    "It's Even Worse Than It Looks"
    Conservaive Norm Ornstein and Liberal Thomas Mann

    "When Extremism Goes Mainstream"
    Conservative Norm Ornstein

    "The Real Death Panels," Conservative Norm Ornstein

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