Alan: Most Americans have living relatives who were alive when these good Christians cooked this man.
Several years ago, I attended a talk by UNC-Chapel Hill Public Health Professor John Hatch who mentioned that all four grandparents were born into slavery. In one of his ancestral families the children were auctioned off in a single day. Knowing that the new owners would remove them to distant plantations - with no hope of family reunion - a bereaved daughter committed suicide within hours of her sale.
To think that this heritage - still burningly alive in human memory - can be transcended in a few generations is more Pharisaic than the good church-goers whom Yeshua railed against.
"Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees"
More photos of good Christians barbecuing human beings can be viewed at the bottom of this email.
I don't see any worse behavior in black communities than I see in Italian towns, villages and neighborhoods under mafia control.
Furthermore, the mafia is still sufficiently powerful that Pope Francis has taken the mutherf______ on the carpet... twice!
There is even talk that the mafia wants him dead.
Concerning the fact that Michael Brown ended up living with his grandmother...
In my view most modern cultures would be better off if grandparents took a more active role in raising their children's children.
As for Michael "deserving what he got" because he wasn't sufficiently submissive to authority...
I think Darren Wilson should have just "driven on" after asking Brown to move to the sidewalk.
Jaywalking should never be reason for escalation to deadly encounter.
If it had been a white boy sassin' back at the cop it would never have escalated into a deadly encounter.
We have so normalized gunslinging that we are unmoved to learn that more bullets were fired in a single NYC shootout than were fired by ALL GERMAN POLICE OFFICERS OVER THE COURSE OF A YEAR.
What's more, the NYC shootout took place recently, at a time when "police work" had become statistically safer than ever before and when violent crime rates had fallen more than half over the previous 15 years.
What's more, the NYC shootout took place recently, at a time when "police work" had become statistically safer than ever before and when violent crime rates had fallen more than half over the previous 15 years.
Once Wilson had been assaulted he should have staid in his car, calling for backup.
He should not have chased Michael Brown half a football field down the street.
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
Many police jurisdictions have "standing orders" that officers NOT pursue suspected criminals escaping in high-speed automobiles.
And how about the simple expedient of taking a photograph? (Yet another reason police should wear body cameras.)
"Restrictive Pursuit Policies" - Why High-Speed Police Chases Are Going Away
"Study: Cops Not Wearing Body Cameras Are Twice As Likely To Use Deadly Force"
"The Question Is Not Whether Darren Wilson Behaved Legally. He Did. The Question..."
I think all misdemeanors like Michael Brown's crime of "jaywalking" should be accompanied by "stand-down" orders.
Then, when police do "catch up" with some scofflaw who refused to comply with legal police procedures, that person will be punished, by law, much more severely than a suspects who submit to a police officer's legal requests/commands.
Then, when police do "catch up" with some scofflaw who refused to comply with legal police procedures, that person will be punished, by law, much more severely than a suspects who submit to a police officer's legal requests/commands.
Currently, many white conservatives are just itching for the kind of escalation that "justifies" "blowing blackie's brains out."
White Americans have made blacks their scapegoats and far too many guys are eager for blacks to get their asses kicked or preferably killed.
Because they're black.
Note that no one yearns for white punks to get killed.
Black kids?
Ventilate their asses with M16s!
Note that no one yearns for white punks to get killed.
Black kids?
Ventilate their asses with M16s!
"Non-Racist" Gringos Cheer Black Man Who Would "Ventilate Black Asses With M16s"
Whites Think Discrimination Against Them Is A Bigger Problem Than Bias Against Blacks
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
"Bad Black People." Why Bill O'Reilly Is Wrong Even When He's Right
In a fairly small community like Ferguson it would not be much of a challenge to track down a 300 pound black teenager. When arrest is made a day or two later, tempers will have calmed and the arrest can be made with at least two cops present, not just one loner cop who's suddenly out-of-his-depth

Not just good Christians, but "saved!" Bible Belt Christians.

- "Bank on it: The South Is Always Wrong"
- http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/07/bank-on-it-south-is-always-wrong.html
- ***
- "Why The Bible Belt Is Christianity's Worst Enemy"
On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 7:55 PM, JT
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 12:40:22 AM
Subject: FW: Meet the Brown Family...
Meet The Brown FamilyWidely known in St. Louis but because the National mediadidn't report all the facts...people outside of our local media's reach received only part of theFerguson story and some of what they were told is patently false.Michael did live with his mother for a time but because he becamebelligerent and unruly, he was sent to live with his grandmother.If Michael’s mother and her boyfriend(s) couldn't handle her6’3”, 300 pound son, I doubt his grandmother could controlhis behavior which eventually got him killed.Note to the clueless: When the police tell you to get out of themiddle of the street (or anything else), you say "Yes Sir" and do it.You don't argue, punch the cop and try to take away his pistol.
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