
Monday, October 14, 2013

Obamacare Is “The Worst Thing That Has Happened In This Nation Since Slavery.”


The Right’s Obamacare rhetoric is completely detached from reality

Joshua Holland
The old saying that ‘you’re welcome to your own opinions but not your own facts’ seems quaint in today’s political environment. We’re a nation divided not only by partisanship and ideology, but also by wildly divergent realities.
It would be interesting to know what Cruz believes to be the mechanism for all these horrors, given that the employer mandate won’t go into effect for another year and health care costs are growing at the slowest rate since the government started tracking that data in 1960.
Nothing Cruz said is reflected in any objective reality. The private sector has added jobs in every single month since Obamacare was signed in March of 2010. After rising over the previous decade, the share of Americans without health insurance declined from 16.3 percent in 2010 to 15.4 percent last year. And there’s no evidence other than anecdotal tales hyped by Fox News of employers cutting workers’ hours to less than 30 per week – the minimum before the employer mandate kicks in. That provision was supposed to go into effect in 2014, based on 2013 employment data, and when economists Helene Jorgenson and Dean Baker looked at the numbers, they found that the share of workers putting between 26-29 hours per week had actually fallen between 2012 and 2013.
The great irony here is that the rollout of the new health care exchanges has been a complete disaster. There are any number of reasoned criticisms opponents of the law could make were they grounded in the real world, but from inside the conservative media bubble, Obamacare is not just an unnecesarily complicated scheme that’s had big-time implementation problems due tocronyism, bad management and too many cooks in the kitchen – it’s a planet-killing asteroid hurtling right at us.
Which leads to an even greater irony: by throwing an epic tantrum and shutting down the government, Obamacare’s fiercest opponents have sucked media coverage away from all the glitches and screw-ups that marked the first two weeks of enrollment. In fact, according to the NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll released last week, the showdown has had a “boomerang effect,” raising the law’s popularity by seven percentage points and prompting one liberal group to send Ted Cruz a lovely fruit basket and a warm note of thanks.

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