Pax On Both Houses: Compendium Of Voter Fraud And Voter Suppression Posts
In the following video clip,Aasif Mandvi (of Jon Stewart's Daily Show) investigates GOP voter suppression on the wake of The Supreme Court decision to gut the Voting Rights Act.
Video: http://www.cc.com/video-clips/dxhtvk/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-suppressing-the-vote If this link does not connect you to Jon Stewart's Suppressing The Vote segment with Aasif Mandvi, google "Jon Stewart, suppressing the vote"
Mandvi's report features Republican official, Don Yelton (of North Carolina), whose jaw-dropping stupidity and casually racist comments rival Jason Jones' recent interview with GOP strategist Noelle Nikpour for "most humiliating public performance by a national party representative." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/10/watch-daily-show-ask-real-hostage.html
No sooner was Mandvi's interview broadcast than The Republican Party fired Mr. Yelton, saying his remarks were "profoundly offensive."
Yes, Yelton's remarks were indeed "profoundly offensive" but their pitch-and-moment was inconsequential relative to the GOP's determination to disenfranchise minority voters.
The Republican Party's traitorous obstruction of democratic process -- now legally sanctioned in North Carolina and other "confederate states" -- is the cornerstone of conservatism's "profoundly offensive" behavior.
By reflecting candidly on that behavior, Mr. Yelton merely laid bare the true intent of the villains who now control "The Party of Angry, Old White Guys."

In effect, Yelton pointed to the pile of political s___ blown out the ass of The Republican Party and the GOP fired its lackey for accurately describing his overlords' fondness for feces flinging.
After 'The Daily Show' targets NC's voting
law, precinct chair resigns
Posted by John Frank and Craig Jarvis on October 24, 2013

In this screen grab from a "The Daily Show" interview, correspondent Aasif Mandvi talks with Don Yelton, a conservative activist and Buncombe County precinct chair, in a segment that aired on the Comedy Central show on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2013.
An appearance on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” has cost Don Yelton, a member of the N.C. Republican Party, his position as Buncombe County precinct chair for the GOP.
A five-minute segment of the Comedy Central show Wednesday night about the state’s new election law, focused a good bit on Yelton’s racial views.
On Thursday, as the video went viral, Claude Pope, chairman of the N.C. Republican Party, called for Yelton’s resignation.
“The North Carolina Republican Party finds the comments made by Mr. Yelton to be completely inappropriate and highly offensive,” Pope said in a statement the state GOP released.
Yelton said the law’s intent is not racial but designed to “kick the Democrats in the butt.”
He also criticized lazy college students and “lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything” because the state was issuing free IDs to ease compliance.
“I can’t believe we have that many stupid people in North Carolina. People who don’t know how to follow directions and go down there and get a photo ID for free at the DMV. Do we want those people picking your president?”Yelton asked.
Before the interview with Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi aired, Yelton complained that the show’s producers would edit the footage to make him sound racist.
“The questions were such that the answers can be played with. I expect them to play with my answers for racism,” he told the Mountain Xpress in Asheville. “They got real upset because I laughed a lot, because it was so obvious what they were doing.”
The TV show identified Yelton as a member of the state GOP executive committee, which he has never been, according to a state GOP spokesman. The term “executive committee” is a little misleading, as about 650 people are members.
Buncombe GOP Chairman Henry Mitchell told Dome this evening Yelton resigned at his request.
Mitchell said Yelton had recently been reprimanded and removed from his position as a precinct chair in Buncombe County in 2012 and 2013, and was re-elected to precinct chair by two votes – his wife’s and his own – at the 2013 convention, which put him back on the county executive committee.
Mitchell issued this statement:
“On behalf of the Buncombe County Republican Party we would like to express our sincerest regrets and disappointment in the comments made by Don Yelton on the Wednesday edition of Jon Stewart’s ‘The Daily Show.’ Mr. Yelton’s comments are offensive, uniformed, and unacceptable of any member within the Republican Party. In no way are his comments representative of the local or state Republican Party.
“Let me make it very clear, Mr. Yelton’s comments do not reflect the belief or feelings of Buncombe Republicans, nor do they mirror any core principle that our party is founded upon. This mentality will not be supported or propagated within our party.”
Yelton announced his resignation on Asheville talk radio host Pete Kaliner’s program on WWNC. Kaliner told Dome that Yelton’s “black friend” –Yelton said in the interview he wasn’t a bigot, that “one of my best friends is black” – called the program to defend him.
Kaliner identified the Yelton’s supporter as Tim Johnson, the former state GOP vice chairman.
See the full segment below.
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