
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

If Your First Reaction Is To Assume This Is An "Onion" Publication, There's Still Hope For America

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on March 27, 2018
Foreword by Stormy Daniels...
Epilogue by Robert Mueller...
Look for it in the Comedy section of your local bookstore. You'll find it between these two other illustrious volumes: "The Mussolini Prayer Book" and "Putin's Favorite Bible Passages."

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on June 5, 2018
Possibly the greatest piece of fan fiction ever written.

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on June 5, 2018
Probably the best book I have ever read!
Now, not only can I profess my belief that Almighty God is creator of all things, and that His son came to live in human form, die an innocent man on a cross, spilling His blood in payment for my sins, but I can grab strange women by their genitals, commit adultery on my first wife with my second, commit adultery on my second wife with my third, and bang a hooker while my third wife is home tending to our newborn son. Who knew being a Christian could be so much fun??
NEVER has a Christian had so many freedoms until Donald J. Trump set this standard. for what constitutes faith.
Thank you Donald!

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on June 4, 2018
I experience an immense inner serenity and comfort in the knowledge that President Trump aspires to walk in the footsteps of our lord and savior, Donald Trump.

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