New York Times Report: Trump Suggested ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape ‘Not Authentic’
President Donald Trump has reportedly suggested at least twice in private that the so-called Access Hollywood tape—which shows him bragging about groping women—is fake. “He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently,” The New York Times reported, in a story about Trump’s risky political move to back Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who is mired in sexual misconduct allegations. Trump, of course, issued an on-camera apology shortly after the comments were published last October, and admitted to making the remarks.

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PBS: Melania Trump Worked In U.S. Without Visa; Took Jobs Away From Native Born Americans And Immigrants Who Got In Line

Anyone can add words to a picture, even add things like a middle finger. But I won't be paying for it. I'm saved. I believe and live with him inside of me. I believe the first recording, that he felt so powerful from some he met that he could have, but that doesn't mean he did. Demons assume, even hired some to say he did and they got shut down, because when they say he did he was in another venue. Even tried in his office, but they were not there and he was occupied elsewhere that day, at the office. And all of this is when way before he wasn't even running for office. Brought only to light when he decided to. And the Demons chastised when the Right brought up recent activities by the Left