Chris Hedges' Best Speech Of 2017?
Alan: In response to the above meme, I received this pictorial comment from Ninja2016:

Alan: American conservatives are so determined to defend their ignorance that they would have the rest of us believe that learning is not only meaningless but a fit object for ridicule.
This ostentatious display of ignorance -- aggressive, boastful, evangelical ignorance -- is, in the final analysis, a defense of intellectual indolence, a laziness befitting couch potato channel surfers desparate to believe that their Know-Nothing Nativism is not only all that is required of citizens but that Know-Nothing Nativism is the very nub of enlightenment.
The American Party: Know Nothing Nativism And Opposition To Catholic Immigration
It is often said that "the educated" behave superciliously and "don't listen" to the disenfranchised white people.
While there is "something" to that argument, it is overwhelmingly true that what white people say about politics, conspiracy theories, vaccination-contempt, gun regulation and other matters of the mind is so benighted that most of it doesn't deserve a listening.

It's not that academic demands should be made on ignorant white people but to deserve a place at the table, they must first become intellectually potty-trained so that they can contribute something more than feces-flinging.
Then there's this:
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