Compendium Of "Pax" Posts On "The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood
Dear Fred,
Not infrequently, Laura has genuine insight.
However, her stone blindness over the moral and political perils of anti-Semiticism is as startling as finding an elephant in your room.
However, her stone blindness over the moral and political perils of anti-Semiticism is as startling as finding an elephant in your room.
Not a metaphorical elephant.
An actual elephant.
No doubt I have my own "blind sides."
But when a person's blindness aligns with The Holocaust and nearly 4000 years of widespread hostility towards Jews, one must pause.
In the main, it's fine to have suspicions, doubts and contrarian hypotheses.
But it is "categorically other" to assert "certainty" when certainty is contradicted by torrential facts and near-consensus among professional historians.
But when a person's blindness aligns with The Holocaust and nearly 4000 years of widespread hostility towards Jews, one must pause.
In the main, it's fine to have suspicions, doubts and contrarian hypotheses.
But it is "categorically other" to assert "certainty" when certainty is contradicted by torrential facts and near-consensus among professional historians.
As for trashing Trump, what conscionable person would NOT celebrate Jews joining "the cause" even if Jews embodied every nefarious trait anti-Semites allege.
Currently, the white nationalist (white supremacist) in The White House calls honorable black people "sons of bitches" while toying - actually toying! - with global Holocaust because "Rocket Man Reality Show" feeds his sociopathic megalomania and bone-deep narcissism.

"My Gripe With Christianity"
Meanwhile, Laura calls upon her readers to decry world Jewry for trashing Trump.
It is hard to imagine a more lunatic scenario.
It is hard to imagine a more lunatic scenario.
To the extent that Catholicism has nourished this beast, a pox upon it.
Jesus Rails Against Human Traditions Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
Make no mistake.
There are deep strains of Catholic orthodoxy that promote anti-semiticism.
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"
In the early sixties, Sister Inez taught my brother Bill's Catholic school class that "the Jews were Christ-killers."
Lest we forget, Yeshua himself was a practicing Jew. Subsequent theological and doctrinal propositions aside, it is doubtful that Jesus the Jew would have separated from Judaism as Paul - the fiery convert and one-time murderer of Christians (who never met Yeshua) - persuaded Peter and the other apostles to set up a "separate shop".
Jesus Rails Against Human Traditions Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
When Trump flames out (and assuming he does not crash the world around him) I will delight if "conservative Christianity" takes a deserved hit at the same time.
Pax tecum
Why Jews Trash Trump
September 26, 2017
FROM A COMMENTER at Real Jew News:
The main reason the Jew[ish] media praises Obama but reviles Trump is because Obama is black and Trump is white. Satan’s Zionist Jews are trying to replace the traditional old white Christian order of the world with their Jew World Order.
The Jews set up puppets and front men such as Obama and Trump with the intent to portray the Black puppet in the best possible ways and portray the White puppet in the worst possible ways. Jews do this with sports, movies, news stories, and the rest of the media also, not just politics only.
Jews are trying to destroy Christian power, influence, and traditions. Satan and his children, the Zionist Jews, view white Christians as the only substantial obstruction to their Jew World Order. Satan and his children hate white people most because Christian culture spread from Europe to North America, Australia, South America, islands in the oceans, and most of the rest of the world.
From Satan’s viewpoint, it’s the fault of white people that Christianity spread out to the rest of the world. So Satan and his Jews vilify Republicans, white Christian politicians, to weaken and destroy white people along with their Christian religion. Satan and his Jews made lots of progress in destroying Christianity over the last hundred years.
Now Zionists have it so prayer is forbidden in schools, government, and lots of places. Zionists have unleashed the most gross perversion in movies, magazines, and the rest of the Jews media. Zionists promote fags, lesbians, bestiality, and all that is anti Christian.
This destruction of Christianity to come at the time of the end was prophesied over 2500 years ago:
Daniel 12:7 GW – When the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, then all these things will be finished.
The Zionist banksters and media bosses finance the corrupt politicians they want but ruin the best Christian politicians. The Jews pick the worst white “leaders” they can find, ie Bill Clinton, Hillary Rotten, Bubba Bush, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump.
The Jews want to portray white leaders in the worst light possible as a way to destroy the influence, power, and leadership of white people and Christian tradition. Putting the worst possible white politicians in office serves the Zionist purpose to portray white leaders in the worst ways. And, such corrupt politicians go along with whatever evils the Zionists want. [emphasis added]
Zionists want to replace the old Christian order with a Jew World Order, a world government ruled by Satan’s Jews. Portraying white leaders in the worst ways and making non-white leaders look good is being done to destroy white people and Christian culture.
That is why blacks in sports, politics, the media, are portrayed as great. That is why their crimes, rapes, and murders are downplayed or hidden.
White politicians like Bill Clinton who help cut their own throat and destroy their own people are praised instead of attacked. Destroying white people and their Christian culture is what the Jews are doing. That is why Trump and most white Republicans are constantly attacked and ridiculed by the Jews media.
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