Thursday, August 31, 2017
Snopes: There Is Lying On Both Sides Of The Aisle But Conservative Lying Is Uniquely Villainous
Alan: For most liberals and progressives falsehood is a "snack."
For conservatives -- particularly S-Trump-ets -- falsehood is one's daily bread.
Why this discrepancy?
Liberals and progressives know that if Truth is not central, all is lost.
Conservatives on the other hand -- particularly S-Trump-ets -- are convinced that without falsehood they lose power which in turn eliminates their reason for being.
Conservatives on the other hand -- particularly S-Trump-ets -- are convinced that without falsehood they lose power which in turn eliminates their reason for being.
Was Barack Obama President During Hurricane Katrina?
Twitter users tried to pin the blame for Katrina relief issues on Obama, though he wasn't even president when it hit New Orleans.
Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"
"Dog Whistle Politics": Coded Language And The Rise Of Racially Scornful Political Rhetoric
Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)

In the end, "the right" and "the left" are separated by an impenetrable wall, one side under the flag of power, and the other under the flag of love.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power,
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
Carl Jung

In the end, "the right" and "the left" are separated by an impenetrable wall, one side under the flag of power, and the other under the flag of love.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power,
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
Carl Jung
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
Carl Jung
Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying
Ted Cruz Gives Detailed Explanation Of Trump's Pathological Obsession With Continuous Lying
60 Minutes: "Fake News"
Fred Owens' Facebook Page, "Fake News" And The Credibility Of The Mainstream Press
Compendium Of Pax Posts Re: Trump's Non-Stop Ability To Tell One Lie After Another
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Post-Inaugural Blur Of White House Lies And "Alternative Facts"

Millions Of Deplorables Voted For Trump Because He Was The Only Candidate Who Was As Crazy As They Are
The Borowitz Report: "Trump Blasts Media For Reporting What He Says"
28 Enormities That Prevent Conscionable People From Hoping Trump Is A Successful President
Donald's Doozies: A Yuge (And Yugely Incomplete) Compendium Of Trump's "Pants On Fire" Lies
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University
Married Couple Say Trump Defrauded Them Of $36,000.00 But Will Vote For Him Anyway
We Redacted Everything That's Not A Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Magazine Interview About Truth
Fact-Checking Trump's TIME Interview On Truths And Falsehoods
Donald Trump: A Man So Obnoxious That Karma May See Him Reincarnated As Himself
We Redacted Everything That's Not A Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Magazine Interview About Truth
Fact-Checking Trump's TIME Interview On Truths And Falsehoods
Donald Trump: A Man So Obnoxious That Karma May See Him Reincarnated As Himself
Shit-Slinger Trump Says Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign. Obama Is "Bad, Sick"
The Best Photographic Evidence Of Trump Inaugural Crowd Size: From Stage & From Monument
National Park Service Releases Official Photos Of Trump And Obama's Inaugural Crowds
National Park Service Releases Official Photos Of Trump And Obama's Inaugural Crowds
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil
Why Americans Have A Moral Obligation NOT To Respect Donald Trump
American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
Too Ignorant To Keep Democracy Alive
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
The Toronto Star's Complete Tally Of Trump's 337 Lies Since Inauguration (June 26, 2017)
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil
Why Americans Have A Moral Obligation NOT To Respect Donald Trump
American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
Too Ignorant To Keep Democracy Alive
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
The Toronto Star's Complete Tally Of Trump's 337 Lies Since Inauguration (June 26, 2017)

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