
Monday, September 14, 2015

Migration And The Territorial Animal In Us All

Dear Fred,

Thanks for your email.

I pretty much agree.

You remind me of a pundit's comment concerning drivers' anger at traffic jams: 

"We are the traffic."

Lamentably, "in an avalanche no individual snowflake accepts responsibility."

It has been a hard (ongoing) lesson to realize that we humans are, at bottom, self-interested animals.

With a few saintly exceptions, homo sapiens will defame, degrade, injure and kill rather than align with the Nazarene's teaching.

"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42

"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth

Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"

The Way leads to crucifixion, which is to say a real possibility of martyrdom.

Anything else is self-interested rationalization.

I know.

I do it all the time.

Pax tecum


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Fred Owens <> wrote:
Regarding Syrian refugees.
You wake up in the morning to discover five desperately poor strangers camped in your front yard. This is a challenge, but you can handle it. You can welcome them and help them. More importantly, your bathroom and septic system can handle five more people.
You wake up in the morning to discover 25 desperately poor strangers camped in your front yard. You lock the door and call the cops, while muttering under your breath, "What am I, Mother Theresa?"
I'm a sinner and a Democrat. I often choose my own comfort ahead of other people. But I do have a heart.
I've said this a hundred times with regard to immigrants. It doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter where they come from, and it doesn't matter how many of them are coming.
The only thing that matters is the rate, or the flow. If immigrants come at a steady rate, they can be helped and absorbed at a sustainable pace. But when too many people come at one time, you get a reaction, you get people screaming "they're taking over." I am only describing human nature. People shut down.
Refugees are supposed to come at a steady pace, instead of like a stampeding mob. As if they were capable of doing that. But they never come at a sustainable pace, but they come all at once, in a panic, in a flood, and we are overwhelmed and we shut down.
People are like that.
On a personal note, don't project your guilt on other people. If you feel guilty, like you should be doing something about this, then go out and do it. Skip the finger pointing. If you need someone to blame, blame me.
Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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