
Monday, January 12, 2015

Angry Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher And Sam Harris

Ben Affleck Angrily Defends Islam Against Bill Maher And Sam Harris

Alan: I am not a fan of "The Young Turks." 

I have never recommended Cenk Uygur and never thought I would.

However, Uygur's status as an ex-Islamic serves him well in the debate hyperlinked above.  

Cenk's argument is particularly strong when he probes the overlooked comparison between Islamic extremists and the colossal carnage of The Iraq War.

"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"

Bush-Cheney's Whimsy War -- complete with legally actionable war crimes that degraded America's moral integrity -- was a counterproductive, self-destructive exercise in White House ego-strutting whose purpose (in addition to enhancing American access to Iraqi oil) was to direct Americans' post 9/11 anger to an emotionally satisfying - but completely inappropriate - target. 

Uygur also spotlights the futility of Harris and Maher's saber-rattling which tars 1.6 billion Islamics with the brush of Islamist bloodlust when there is no conceivable benefit to The West's threatened belligerence whereas it is certain that the blanket derrogation of Muslims (even if universal bloodlust were true) would only polarize and animate the enemy. 

"Terrorism And The Other Religions"

Do we want another ground war in a region where Islamics are engaged in a civil war among Sunnis, Shias and Alawites?

Do we think the outcome of another mid-eastern war waged by "The Free World" would have happier result Smirk and Snarl's swashbuckling in Iraq? I cannot conceive Maher or Harris answering this question in the affirmative.

Americans are extraordinarily willful, thoroughly utilitarian people convinced that "failure is not an option" and that Uncle Sam is capable - always and everywhere - of using force to bend othersto his will.

We have a problem Houston.

Bending others to his will didn't pan out in Vietnam.

And it didn't pan out in Iraq (or Afghanistan).

Furthermore, is Washington -- or some other "coalition of the willing" decides to put boots on The Arab Street -- it won't pan out in the next war either.

Although a certain amount of police action is necessary, Martin Luther King expressed the underlying principle in play.


Right now, the world would be a better place if the United States had never waged The Whimsy War of the war in Vietnam.

Bill Maher is much too smart not to "think his way out" of the trap he set for himself..

Uncle Sam's Mercenary Christians Kill 17 Iraqi Civilians. 2 Frenchmen Kill 12 In Paris

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