
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fact: The U.S. Economy Does Better Under Democratic Presidents

Alan: I don't believe that better economic performance under Democratic presidents is "just luck.'

See: "Republican Rule and Economic Catastrophe: A Lockstep Relationship"

However, if economic propserity is is just luck, then there is no sense voting for Republican candidates on the mistaken assumption that they will -- by design -- devise more prosperous economies.


"[S]ince 1947, the U.S. economy has grown at an average real rate of 4.35 percent under Democratic presidents and just 2.54 percent under Republicans...[P]erhaps Democrats simply have better economic luck. That third theory is one favored by economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson in their new working paper, "Presidents and the Economy: A Forensic Investigation". They argue that random economic fluctuations best explain the differences in growth between 1947 and 2013, and not which party happens to hold the White House." Brad Plumer in The Washington Post

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