Jandei Cherry
"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"
The family of a Florida man is searching for answers after he was shot by a passing motorist while running home naked because his clothes had been stolen while at the beach.
Jandei Cherry, who The Orlando Sentinel described as a 22-year-old “free-spirited musician and doting father,” had decided to run home naked last week after a friend took off with his clothes and skateboard.
Hollywood police said that somewhere along the less than 10-mile journey back to his home, a passing motorist stopped to investigate why a nude man was running down the street. Police believed that a conflict with the motorist resulted in Cherry being fatally shot.
“It is not normal for someone to be running naked down Hollywood Boulevard,” Hollywood police Lt. Osvaldo Perez explained. “I think that’s what spiked the other guy’s attention.”
Duke Laguerre, 29, told police that he passed Cherry on highway 29 and then turned around and went back to confront him. That’s when Laguerre apparently shot Cherry in the stomach, but he offered no other details about the encounter.
“The more I think about this, the more I think it makes no sense,” Cherry’s mother, Auta, told the Sentinel. “It is heartbreaking.”
“He was running naked, yes, but he had no choice. And knowing my son he would have forgiven the man who shot him.”
As of Monday, Laguerre had not been charged for shooting the 22-year-old father.
Watch this video from The Orlando Sentinel, broadcast Oct. 15, 2013.
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