Dear Fred,
Thanks for the National Review article.
It is engagingly written but
as specious as Smirk's rationale for invading Iraq.
The United States is already
more socio-economically stratified than Europe. Furthermore class
stratification is most deeply engraved in England's character, not on the
Indeed, the continent is more
upwardly mobile than we - and sigificantly so.
"The Loss of Upward
Mobility in The United States." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-loss-of-upward-mobility-in-us.html
"Want to chase the
American dream? Move to Canada." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/want-to-chase-american-dream-move-to.html
It is true that California
(and other liberal, university-trained communities) have created vibrant
milieu's for venture capitalism.
But illiberal American
industry (which is most of it) is stuck in unimaginative models of
commercial-industrial exploitation like Sam Walton's, which care little for The Common Good while devising clever ways for the
piggish 5% to chow down on ever-enlarging pieces of the pie. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/viral-video-shows-huge-gap-between.html
Concerning America's
"unique" willingness to elect a black president, it is part of our
historical splendor -- and our shame -- that, in more generous days, we opened
doors to dark-skinned immigrants, also importing millions more as slaves.
Left to their own devices,
"white America" would be no kinder to "blacks and browns"
than contemporary conservatives are to Hispanics and urban blacks whom they
would just as soon see dead or sent packing.
In sum, it is mostly an odd
convergence of historic peculiarities that has made America sufficiently
dark-skinned to elect a black president despite tooth and nail resistance by
the embittered detritus of our all white ruling class. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/if-obama-were-white.html
Increasingly, “America's Big,
Fat Advantage” is just big... and fat. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/obesity-now-costs-americans-more-in.html
Pax on both houses,
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:
national review -- a good one, refutable, but well said
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:--
The red shoes were very cool.
Not only Italian, but crimson!
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:
"The carnival is over." -- But the red shoes were kind of cool.
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Alan Archibald <alanarchibaldo@gmail.com> wrote:
Caro Giovanni,
Gotta love the paisan! http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/pope- francis-to-celebrate-last- supper.html When Francis was getting ready to deliver his Urbe et Orbi address, an aide held out the ermine papal cape.Francis refused it.According to reports, he said: "The carnival is over."It's a whole new ball game.PaceAlan
Pax on both houses: Pope Francis I Criticizes Capitalist World's ...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.23 hours ago – In his first tweet after his inauguration on the @Pontifex account, Pope Francis said: "Let us keep a place for Christ in our lives, let us care for ...../pope- francis-i-criticizes-capitalist.... Pax on both houses: "Francis, a pope of the poor," E.J. Dionne
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.Mar 14, 2013 – In winning election as Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio defied the papal pundits, even though they should have seen him coming. His rise ...../ francis-pope-of-poor-ej-dionne.ht... Pax on both houses: Pope Francis' First Papal Decision: "Carnival ...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.4 days ago – The first 48 hours of the pontificate of Pope Francis have given the world a foretaste of what it is going to be like to have a Jesuit priest for the ...../pope- francis-first-papal-decision.h... Pax on both houses: Pope Francis: Comments On Economic Inequality
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.4 days ago – Pax on both houses. The best ... Pope Francis and the junta: What really happened? ... Fox News Latino: Why Pope Francis, Roman Catholics.../pope- francis-comments-on-econo... Pax on both houses: Thousands pack St. Peter's Square for Pope ...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.2 days ago – Pax on both houses ... Giving his homily before the throngs in St. Peter's Square, Francis ... Catholics: 5 ways for Francis to move forward ...../thousands-pack-st-peters- ..square-f. Pax on both houses: Habemus Papam Franciscum!
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/7 days ago – While searching for Bergoglio quotations on social justice, I came upon the following article by Argentine blogger, Cosme Baccar Varela, who ...2013/03/habemus-papam.html Pax on both houses: Pope Francis: "Mercy (makes the world) more ...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.4 days ago – In his address from the balcony above St. Peter's Square on Sunday, March 17, 2013, Pope Francis told the crowd that he wanted to talk about ...../pope- francis-mercy-makes-world-... Pax on both houses: Pope Francis and the junta: What really ...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.5 days ago – In this 1966 photo released by the El Salvador School, Argentine seminarian Jorge Mario Bergoglio smiles for a portrait at the El Salvador ...../pope- francis-and-junta-what-reall... Pax on both houses: Pope Francis Set To Oppose...
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.4 days ago – Pope Francis: On Economic Inequality http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo../pope- frances-seems-set-to-oppose.... t.com/2013/03/pope- francis-comments-on-economic.html *** Poverty ... Pax on both houses: Habemus papam! Pope Francis I
paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/.Mar 13, 2013 – His conservative leanings on doctrinal and spiritual issues are widely seen as in keeping with the legacy of John Paul. He opposes abortion ...../habemus-papam-pope- francis-i.ht...
Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 360-739-0214 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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send mail to:
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