to work in Buenos Aires
Dear Fred,
Habemus papam!
I am encouraged that Pope Frances I
"has championed social programs and won respect for questioning
free-market policies, which he blames for leaving millions of Argentines
impoverished." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/habemus-papam-pope-francis-i.html
While searching for Bergoglio quotations
on social justice, I came upon the following article by Argentine blogger,
Cosme Baccar Varela, who makes a well-documented case that Pope Francis is a
Marxist. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/cardinal-bergoglio-imitating-marx.html
Free market capitalism is a vicious thing
whose survival depends on the assiduous cultivation of The Seven Deadly
Sins. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins The moral and
cultural degradation wrought by Cowboy
Capitalism -- and blessedly
Pope Francis does not hesitate to call "social sin" by name -- dwarfs
the cumulative damage done by The
Tragically, not one "conservative" Christian in a thousand
will - or can - admit the truth of unbridled capitalism since their "fortunes"
are, by and large, bestowed by The Golden Calf. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/capitalism-most-powerful-engine-of.html
On the other hand, I am discouraged that
Francis appears prone to double down on antiquated sex-and-gender traditions,
particularly as they relate to same-sex marriage.
Been circumcised lately? Thrown out your
usurious credit cards? Eaten shrimp? Worn mixed fiber clothing? Stoned any
rebellious children? Encouraged slaves to accept their station? Sliced off
twice the required number of Philistine foreskins as bride price?
Despite Catholic hierarchy's sustained
cover-up of priestly pederasts, these sexual predators have finally been forced
from the closet - thanks to the
divine intervention of The
Secular Press. (Are you familiar with Mexican predator, Rev. Marcial Marciel, a
confidant of John Paul II? Appropriately, Marcial's second surname,
"Degollado," means "slit throat." On the outside, Marcial
was as "conservative" as Republican demi-god, Ayn Rand, and every bit
as rotten within. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcial_Maciel
/// http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/11/ayn-rand-and-republican-party-politics.html)
More importantly, now that gays and
lesbians are out of the closet, too many people know these brothers and sisters
as good souls.
I happen to be friends with six same-sex
couples. One gay couple recently married after 20 years of common law marriage.
Another gay couple - after 10 happy years together - adopted a child. The third
gay couple has been in love for a decade. One happy lesbian couple has been
together for 40 years. Another lesbian couple - including a former nun who was
once fast-tracked to become "Mother Superior" - has lived in happy
union for 30 years. And the third lesbian couple, which adopted - and
transformed - six very "difficult" orphans, has been joyfully joined
for 25 years.
Extrapolating from personal experience,
the (relative) wasteland of heterosexual marriage (sorely degraded by
"free market" capitalism) could benefit greatly from close study of
committed gay and lesbian marriages.
'By this you shall know them - that they
love one another.'
You will know "the other guys"
by The Woe Passages. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/12/pharisees-and-yeshuas-woe-passages.html
The sea change that has put an abrupt end
to slanderous oppression of gays and lesbians defies any prospect of going back
"in the closet" - except perhaps in Christian Africa where we
well know the emblematic qualities of Uganda's "skeletons."
Here in Evangelical
America, the contempt accorded gays and lesbians by "Good
Christians" calls to mind Sarah Palin's ignorant family: http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/07/tripp-palins-gay-slur-where-did-bristol.html
But the most notable feature on
Christianity's sexual "horizon" is notable by its absence: Yeshua
himself said nothing of same-sex morality.
Why did he not? Because in addition
to inciting his own summary execution, the prospect of same-sex marriage was
beyond the comprehensibility of ancient Jews, a notoriously infidel people (if
the Prophets are to be believed) ever-ready to stone their own children for
adolescent rebelliousness.
Similarly, it makes no sense (from the
conservative vantage) that Yeshua would NOT condemn same-sex union, soon to
become the first schism in Christianity that was not spearheaded by dissident
theologians but by the "sensus fidelium."
Why would Yeshua not have nixed same-sex
union if, indeed, his divine omniscience foresaw Christendom's imminent crisis?
I am sure it is comforting to
"know" one is right.
But Yeshua's behavior tells me
"the comfortable" are wrong.
Truth is at least as contextual as it is
Pax on both houses,

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Fred Owens <froghospital911@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Alan and Dear Laura,
As I said, we can't vote but we can make bets.
My bet, posted somewhere on Facebook -- was for a Brazilian under the age of 60 -- so I guess I was part right -- Now I need to read the news and find out who this man is.
He wears the shoes of the fisherman, that makes him very important, at the same time he puts his shoes on just like you and I do.
Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214
My blog is Fred Owens
send mail to:
Fred Owens
35 West Main St Suite B #391
Ventura CA 93001
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