Dear Fred,
Please read this. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/03/pope-francis-socialism-causes-misery.html
The lineage of
"biblical literalists" is comprised of the very people most likely to
have manipulated the original gospel texts.
The desolating ardor of "true
believers" is so self-justifying that once they lather themselves into
conviction of "absolute righteousness," any
"Falsehood Fostering The Good" is deemed not only sinless but virtuous.
Today is Palm
At mass this morning -- during the reading of Luke's "Passion" -- I realized that "the high priests" (i.e., "church hierarchs") were ferociously determined to crucify Yeshua; that a career politician, Pilate, found no fault in the man; and that a pagan centurion embodied enough endgame courage to declare: "Truly, this was a just man."
Christian Pharisees -- at least as hypocritical as their
namesake -- would wisely downplay their love affair with the Old Testament,
substituting instead clear-eyed contemplation of "The Woe
Passages." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/02/santorum-savonarola-and-pending.html
I am struck that so many
modern "Christians" -- despite their bombast to the contrary -- would be
more at home with the Old Testament's Thunder Sky God than the
New Testament's God of Love.
Pax on both houses,

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