Shark attacks, raging fires and deadly bacteria all sound scary. But how do you know which calamities to worry about and which to ignore?
Everyone moves through life with different risks. Your own need to worry depends on a variety of factors, including age, where you live, how much you travel and your daily activities, noted Dr. James K. Hammitt, professor of economics at the Harvard School of Public Health. Consider this: it’s estimated that 150 people around the world die annually fromfalling coconuts. That’s more than double the estimated 62 annual shark attacks worldwide. But if you’re a person who regularly swims in shark-infested waters and you never stand under a coconut tree, then the average odds obviously don’t apply to you.
Take a look at the following chart, which we’ve put together from a variety of sources. It shows the total number of deaths annually due to various disease-related and accidental causes, as well as an average individual’s lifetime risk for a given health worry. On the scariest day of the year, maybe this will help put it all in perspective.
RiskAnnual DeathsLifetime risk
Heart disease652,4861 in 5
Cancer553,8881 in 7
Stroke150,0741 in 24
Hospital infections99,0001 in 38
Flu45,0001 in 83
Car accidents44,7571 in 84
Suicide31,4841 in 119
Accidental poisoning19,4561 in 193
MRSA (resistant bacteria)19,0001 in 197
Falls17,2291 in 218
Drowning3,3061 in 1,134
Bike accident7621 in 4,919
Air/space accident7421 in 5,051
Excessive cold6201 in 6,045
Sun/heat exposure2731 in 13,729
Shark attack*621 in 60,453
Lightning471 in 79, 746
Train crash241 in 156,169
Fireworks111 in 340,733
Sources: Unless otherwise noted, all accidental death information fromNational Safety Council. Disease death information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Lifetime risk is calculated by dividing 2003 population (290,850,005) by the number of deaths, divided by 77.6, the life expectancy of a person born in 2003. *Shark data represents number of attacks worldwide, not deaths.