Stewart: Gun Control
Clip: “Show Us Your Guns”
“Woman Shoots Thief Fleeing With Her Purse”
Harvard: "Virtually no armed criminals
report being wounded by a law-abiding citizen."
"It's Time To Face The Truth About
Gun Violence," Fareed Zakaria
Gun Cartoons
Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their
Effect On The American Psyche:
Gun Control and The Second Amendment
Guns Make Homes More Dangerous, Not Less
Guns, Firearms - Guns
in home increase risk of death, injury and mental disease.
80% Of All Firearm Deaths In 23
Industrial Countries Occurred in The United States
Weapons Used In Sandy Hook Slaughter
Especially Deadly Due To Firing Speed
Bush Ally, Prime Minister John Howard
Urges U.S. To Imitate Australia’s Gun Control Success: 60% Decline In Firearm
Killings In 15 Years.
Australian Gun Control After Port
Arthur Massacre: 35 Dead
Connecticut Shooting: “Isolated
Incident” or “Social Pattern”
British Bobbies and Violence
Gun Control in Israel
Toy Guns Outlawed At Republican
National Convention: Real Guns Allowed
Since 1973, the number of U.S. homes
with firearms has declined by 35%
For young Americans, 15-24, suicide (60% by
firearm) is the third leading cause of death
Firearm injury and death charts for the
U.S. (and the world) are available at the following University of Pennsylvania
There are over 40% more firearm
suicides than firearm homicides in the United States.
In the United States, only motor vehicle
crashes and cancer claim more lives among children 5–14 years old than do
University of Utah Medical School: Guns,
Public Health and Safety
How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting
The most violent culture in the history of
the world
America's Gun Violence Map
by David Frum
Suicide in the Home in Relation to Gun Ownership, Arthur L.
Kellermann, MD, MPH; Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH; et al, The New England
Journal of Medicine, Vol. 327, No. 7, August 13, 1992, pp. 467-472. Key
Statistic: The presence of one or more guns in the home increases the
risk of suicide in the home nearly five times. http://www.vpc.org/studies/whersuic.htm
Guns in homes increase risk of death
and firearm-related violence
Firearm Access Is A Risk Factor For Suicide: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/risk/index.html
Guns in home increase likelihood of violent death: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/160/10/929.full
Sandy Hook Kindergarten Carnage
The Bushmaster AR-15: Adam Lanza’s Weapon Of Choice
Tom Toles: "Arguments in favor of gun control"
Post Sandy Hook Republicans Cower On Gun Control
NRA Takes Down Facebook Page
God and Gun Control: Shootings Prompt Religious Debate
Iranian Woman Asks: “Why Did Nancy Lanza Love Guns? Probably The
Same Reason I Did.”
Gun Stores Are Selling Out Of The Rifle Used To Kill 27 People
In Connecticut
Are Israeli Teachers Armed?
Sales of Kids Armored Backpacks Soar
A Story Of The NRA’s Influence – In Two Charts
Is It Time To Distribute Handguns At The Entrance Of Every
Public Place?
The Killing Of American Children Has Become An American Norm –
Richard Cohen
Will Our Anger Be Buried Alongside Newtown’s Dead? – Jay Bookman
The Killing Of Children; Our National Shame – Richard Cohen
Sandy Hook Parent, Lynn and Chris McDonnell, Live Through Grace
Diane Rehm: Mass Shootings And Their Affect On The American
Do Concealed Weapon Laws Result In Less Crime?
Text: Fresh Air's Assault-Style Weapons In
The Civilian Market
The Second Amendment: Would Jesus Pack?
Second Amendment Expansion; First Amendment Contraction
The Debacle of Gun Control
(Since 1968 handguns, not rifles have been used to kill one
million Americans)
Stopped CDC Research On Gun Violence
Gun, Will Travel
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