Mitt Romney’s Ultimate Flip Flop Collection
the GOP's insistence that all Ten Commandments be
engraved in every public place, it is surpassingly strange that American
conservatives have yet to read The Ninth Commandment.
the false witness borne by Newsmax, the presidential campaign is not
"shifting in Romney's favor."
fact --- and I use the word "fact" (now get this!) to mean
"fact" --- Obama's position in swing states is strengthening and has
been strengthening for over a week.
North Carolina is back in play.
As a participant in NC's ground game, I am happy to tell you we have a good shot at winning.
central hope of Romney's campaign (and, by extension, Newsmax cheerleaders) is
to dwell on the false presumption that Romney-Ryan are "surging" - a
shameless attempt to create a bandwagon effect while the bandwagon is still in
the barn.
compulsive flip-flopping reveals a coat of teflon thicker than any politician
in American history. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-ultimate-mitt-romney-flip-flop.html
As Hurricane
Sandy plays out, it will be interesting to see if Romney's insistence
on "privatizing federal disaster relief" gets traction.
Rugged individualism - with its call to abandon "wasteful government" - "sound good"... until ideological swashbuckling collides with Reality. (Note well: Historians will look back on Ronald Reagan's redefinition of "government as The Problem" as the beginning of our long slide into neo-barbarism, not a "new morning" in America.)
Rugged individualism - with its call to abandon "wasteful government" - "sound good"... until ideological swashbuckling collides with Reality. (Note well: Historians will look back on Ronald Reagan's redefinition of "government as The Problem" as the beginning of our long slide into neo-barbarism, not a "new morning" in America.)
I encourage you to check out "Hurricane
Sandy Interviews Mitt Romney" - http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/10/questions-for-mitt-romney-prompted-by.html
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Newsmax.com <newsmax@reply.newsmax.com> wrote:
Dear Newsmax Reader,
The latest polls show momentum is shifting in Mitt Romney’s favor. Why?
America is finally waking up to what another four years of Obama would really mean.
A new movie spells it out.
Have you seen 2016: Obama’s America?
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